看板 TOEFL_iBT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
承之前文章,常常看到同學寫作發展方向重點放錯,今天再來看一個實例! 題目是4/9實體考試題目: Many changes in the primary school can provide the students with better education and social development. Which of the changes is more important for the teachers? 1. Encouraging students to ask in the class more frequently 2. Having students work together in pairs or small groups more frequently 3. Meeting each student’s parents more often 同學A贊成,第一個論點是: First of all, students are often busy and working in small groups can save much time. Take me for example, when I studied in Taiwan university, I had lots of tests after the neurological class. Thus, I always found my friend, Tom, to set a study group for the exam. We could discuss with each other the questions about the neurological problem in the test. Because of the study group, we used less time to prepare for the test and still got A+ in the test. On the contrary, if we asked in the class more frequently, the teacher would spend extra time answering the questions and the class would delay being finished. Therefore, having students work together has more benefits. 同學常常會說「不是要寫的具體嗎?」所以把學校名字、課程名稱都寫出來,但以這個論 點來說,應該要具體發展的方向是「為何小組討論可以省時」,所以其實讀什麼學校,課 程名稱叫什麼,相對不重要,這裡建議只要寫When I was in college, there’s one class that had a lot of tests. (我念大學的時候有修過一堂課有很多考試) 接下來還有一個地方發展的不夠的是Because of the study group, we used less time to prepare for the test and still got A+ in the test. 因為有了這個讀書會,我們 只要花一點點時間準備這些考試而且還能拿到A+ 應該能感覺到,如果不多加解釋,讀者看的感覺可能會是:「哇組了讀書會就很神奇的就 能考高分了,過程中到底發生什麼事不太清楚,反正組了讀書會就是能花比較少時間,然 後拿高分拉~」 顯然這邊解釋得不太夠,應該針對這部分多著墨一點,例如: 因為有了這個讀書會,我們把考試可能會考的題目分一半準備,像有一次可能考的題目有 50題,我們各自準備25題並且講解給對方聽,這樣我們就只要花一半的時間,仍然可以在 考前做完題目,後來真的考到不錯的成績。 Because of the study group, we could divided the test materials into two parts. One time there were 50 possible questions, and each of us did research on 25 questions and explained the results to each other. By doing so, we only needed to spend half of the time but we could still get well prepared before the test. In the end, we got As for those tests. 總結一下,以上面的例子來看,第一個問題是同學往往認為把人事時地物的名字寫出來就 叫做具體了,很多情況下是,但還是要看論點的重點在哪裡,然後專注在那個方向多著墨 一點。 下次繼續分享寫作發展方向! Cheers, J2 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1650556268.A.280.html
ovivian3: 推分享! 04/23 14:45