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閱讀26+的秘訣 大家好,我是Jacob (常春藤盟校賓州大學英語教學碩士),SK2TOEFL團隊實力養成班顧 問,也專精在TOEFL機經(JJ)彙總整理,所以也可以叫我J2. 台灣同學受到國高中的訓(ㄘㄨㄟ)練(ㄘㄢˊ)下,普遍閱讀都不錯,但是想要破百或 有些學校要求105+, 那閱讀可不能只有25分,要26+才有更大機會達到目標分數。要怎麼 26+呢?我的觀察,底下是關鍵。 簡單來說,就是「光是單字量夠,看懂所有字,了解句子本身意思是不夠的。」要了解單 字隱含的意思是什麼,才能真正看懂句子/段落。舉以下段落當例子: The jack pine tree of Canada has several qualities that seem to equip it for a life with fire. As in many conifer trees, the branches nearer the ground tend to die off as the tree grows taller, not least because they find themselves without light.In the jack pine, however, these dead branches simply fall off.If the dead branches were allowed to [persist], they would provide a “ladder” for the fire from the ground to the top. 重點在於第四句的persist, 如果不懂意思,可能就無法理解了。 persist這個字我們高中(還是國中?)就認得了,是堅持的意思,不過誠如我不斷跟同學 提醒的,現在開始不要只有記得單字的中文翻譯,要用英英解釋去理解它。 The Britannica Dictionary 定義: https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/persist [no object] 1: continue to do something or to try to do something even though it is difficult or other people want you to stop She had turned him down for a date before, but heersistednd asked her again. The reporterersistedith his questioning. If youersistith this behavior, you will be punished. Must youersistn making that noise? 2: continue to occur or exist beyond the usual, expected, or normal time If the painersists, see a doctor. Doubts about the defendant's story haveersistedor some time now. Rumorsersisthat they are dating. 同學們可以順便複習「藉由句子前後、以及字典單字解釋及例句」這兩部分,來判斷這裡 persist比較符合哪個解釋? . . . . . If the dead branches were allowed to [persist], they would provide a “ladder ” for the fire from the ground to the top. 應該是不是比較符合2 : continue to occur or exist beyond the usual, expected, or normal time, 甚至可以更精準的說,就是to continue to exist beyond the expected time. 但光是這樣,沒有配合context(上下文),應該還是很難懂意思。這裡要搭配上句,In the jack pine, however, these dead branches simply fall off. Jack pine死掉 的樹枝會掉到地上。所以這裡的If the dead branches were allowed to [persist], 其 實就是指如果這些死掉的樹枝「沒有掉落的話」,那這些樹枝就是很像給火爬的梯子,會 讓火勢一直從地上蔓延到樹頂。 這個,就是我說的閱讀26+的關鍵。很多同學最後分數上不去,都是卡在這裡,單字都看 得懂,句子「本身」意思也懂,但無法理解最「本質」的意思。類似的例子還有很多很多 ,下回繼續分享! ***** 本週六有免費公開課,歡迎同學報名喔! 課程名稱:[實力養成] 天文背景知識+9分鐘讀懂一篇文章 上課時間:9/17 (六) 14:00-16:00(13:45 開zoom房間,同學可以提早進來測試) 報名課程請點:https://forms.gle/fudzcwvKrNmF9CdX9 直接點選連結,填完表單,不需等待回覆信~即報名成功囉! zoom連結統一寄確認信提供 線上見:) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1663050353.A.A93.html