看板 TOEFL_iBT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好,我是Jacob (常春藤盟校賓州大學英語教學碩士),SK2TOEFL團隊實力養成班顧 問,也專精在TOEFL機經(JJ)彙總整理,所以也可以叫我J2. . 今天這篇文章一樣來探討同學學術討論寫作最困擾的地方,就是知道例子發展要具體,但 常常「該說的沒講到,不該發展的寫了一堆。」 . 繼續看下去之前,歡迎參考本週六免費公開課: SK2 TOEFL 「帶你做」閱讀聽力模考 12/23 (六) 10:00-12:00 主題:閱讀聽力模擬考+完整作題流程詳解+學科背景知識補充 線上zoom進行 快速報名連結:https://reurl.cc/g8zAOL . 正文開始: 直接拿同學一篇文章來測試大家的敏感度,同學們先看以下文章,覺得哪個部分是不太需 要,或是可以不提的? . 題目是: One such proposal is to make class attendance optional. For instance, under an optional-attendance policy, university students could choose not to attend classes but instead study the course materials and acquire the knowledge on their own time. Their grade would then be based entirely on exams or papers. What are your thoughts on this approach? . F同學回答: In my opinion, I strongly support Claire’s perspective that students do not have to attend every class session, and I would like to add that if students can choose courses where attendance is not compulsory, they can participate in more courses they want. For instance, when I was a college student, I wanted to be an integrated circuit designer. To achieve this goal, I needed to take a course named “Circuit Theory”. However, the course conflicted with the schedule of my compulsory subject. Nevertheless, the Circuit Theory is optional attendance, so I had a chance to take the course. Furthermore, my college provided many courses with an optional attendance policy. Therefore, I could enroll in more courses that I was interested in, such as Japanese, Semiconductor Physics, and Electronic Devices without worrying about attendance. Overall, recognizing the importance of discipline, I, however, maintain that students will have more opportunities to take courses if the courses offer optional attendance. . 請同學先選擇下列哪個是不太需要提到的: A) I wanted to be an integrated circuit designer. B) I needed to take a course named “Circuit Theory.” C) such as Japanese, Semiconductor Physics, and Electronic Devices . J2個人認為,I wanted to be an integrated circuit designer 在這裡是不太需要提到 的,因為這邊同學論點是「如果出席是非強制的,可以修到更多課」,所以發展時,只要 講到「很想上A課,但跟B課衝堂」,應該就達到目的了。至於為什麼某堂課要上的原因 ,在這邊就沒那麼必要了。 . 想要確定具體例子發展方向,可以看我之前的文章喔: 你的寫作發展方向是對的嗎?by J2 https://reurl.cc/4Rzkrj . 常被說例子發展具體方向不對嗎? https://reurl.cc/RWdNp9 . 如何讓口說寫作發展例子更貼切?by J2 https://reurl.cc/K467xp Cheers, J2 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1703064370.A.774.html