看板 TOEIC 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Does anybody can tell me the correct answer and why: ----- seeing their parents, they ran to meet them. 1. By 2. in 3. At 4.on -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEIC/M.1488183667.A.F5D.html
lijohn : 4? 02/27 16:57
donsong89 : 我覺得是in , in+ving表示就在...時 02/27 17:30
anikhtoe : on ,on 後Ving 02/27 17:32
beckhon : On? 02/27 18:31
blackkaku : at 02/27 18:33
Meifan : On. On / Upon + Ving, ~ = As soon as S v, ~ 02/27 19:16
Meifan : 一 ~ 就 ~ 02/27 19:17
Pao1995 : on 因為等同upon 02/27 20:07
k101646 : On是最多人選目前,我不是很確定 02/27 23:30
vincentman : on/upon + Ving,S+V。一…就… 02/28 09:20
monofather : Does anybody can...? 02/28 13:00
SKKhan : on seeing= at the sight of 一看見... 02/28 13:20
handsomebp : On 03/01 16:43
dil79975 : On 03/01 17:30
k101646 : 謝謝大家幫忙 03/01 18:41
kee32 : 2樓背錯了,記得要改 03/01 21:39