看板 TOEIC 關於我們 聯絡資訊
---------為加速板友們提供解答,請仿照以下範例提供足夠題目資訊----------------- 標題請依 [題目] Longman 3/e Pxx(頁數) or [題目] OG Pxx(頁數) 的格式 書名:瞄準新多益-閱讀篇 版本:初版 頁數:p.251 題目: https://imgur.com/v99YY9u 154What might NOT be available? (A)Apa treatments (B)Some types of soft drinks (C)Activity planning for children (D)Some tour...解答給(D) 疑問:但是文章有提到:2 island tour of your choice... 為什麼答案(D)不能選? ---------- 書名:瞄準新多益-閱讀篇 頁數:p.251 題目: 155What can be inferred frome the advertisement? (A)The price of this travel package is usually higher....解答給(A) (D)The resort is located in Miami. 疑問: (A)The price of this travel package is usually higher.(這套裝旅程通常是高價) 但是文章只有寫Don't miss the lowest fares of season!(不要錯過本季最低價), 從文章看出來是本季最低價,不代表全年都很高價,有可能此季只是旺季, 所以價格比較高,平常時候都是很低價 (D)The resort is located in Miami. 文章有寫Round trip fright from Miami(從Miami到周圍旅遊),不能推測resort可能在 Miami附近? ---------- 書名:瞄準新多益-閱讀篇 頁數:p.251 題目: https://imgur.com/acja0jt 160What can be inferred about next year's conference? (B)It will occur at same time of year....解答給B (C)It will be held at the Outlook Hotel. 疑問: 但是今年於11/14-17,明年11/16-19,這樣可以是"same time"? (C)It will be held at the Outlook Hotel. 這比較合理,如果在不同地點,那這份Hotel的問卷調查的意義何在? 為何選B不選C 感謝大家看完,也先感謝大家的解答 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEIC/M.1535679193.A.782.html
dunchee : https://tinyurl.com/y8vvejco 有空我再繼續 08/31 21:18
refala : 你好,154題是我打錯字,應更正"為什麼選D",那subj 08/31 22:47
refala : ect為什麼是"位置"的意思? 08/31 22:47
dunchee : 我回在同一個link 08/31 23:18