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每到月初最期待的就是領薪水了!! 分享給大家有關「薪水」的英文, 畢竟也和商業英文有些關係, 這些單字包括「Wage、Salary、Pay,和Remuneration」, 歡迎大家一起討論! 1. Wage – 單字解釋 – 名詞篇 劍橋字典 noun [ S ] – a particular amount of money that is paid, usually every week, to an employee, especially one who does work that needs physical skills or strength, rather than a job needing a college education 通常是指每週支付給僱員的一筆特定金額的錢,尤其是從事需要體力或力量的工作, 而不是需要大學學歷的工作的僱員。 例句:The job pays very low wages. 這份工作薪水很低。 朗文字典 noun – money you earn that is paid according to the number of hours, days, or weeks that you work 賺取的錢是根據您工作的小時數,天數或週數支付的 例句:The wage increases will come into effect in June. 工資上漲將於6月生效。 韋伯字典 noun – a payment usually of money for labor or services usually according to contract and on an hourly, daily, or piecework basis —often used in plural 通常根據合約並按小時,每日或計件方式支付的勞動或服務費用,通常以復數形式使用。 例句:The company gave workers a four percent wage increase this year. 該公司今年給工人加薪了4%。 Wage 總結 從三大字典來看,Wage 多用於以計時工作為主的用法,或是多以勞力輸出為 主的工作所用。 2. Salary – 單字解釋 – 名詞篇 劍橋字典 noun [ C or U ] – a fixed amount of money agreed every year as pay for an employee, usually paid directly into his or her bank account every month 每年約定用於支付員工工資的固定金額,通常每月直接支付到其銀行帳戶中。 例句:His net monthly salary is €2,500. 他每月薪資淨領2500歐元。 朗文字典 noun [countable, uncountable] – money that you receive as payment from the organization you work for, usually paid to you every month 您從工作單位獲得的付款,通常每月支付給您。 例句:The average salary for a teacher is $39,000 a year. 教師的平均年薪為39,000美元。 韋伯字典 noun plural salaries – fixed compensation paid regularly for services 定期支付服務固定費用 例句:She was offered a salary of $50,000 a year. 她每年的薪水是5萬美元。 Salary 總結 從三大字典來看,Salary 為月薪或年薪的用法,通常用於固定員工。 3. Pay – 單字解釋 – 名詞篇 劍橋字典 noun [ U ] – the money you receive for doing a job 從工作中得到的錢。 例句:It’s a nice job but the pay is appalling. 這份工作薪水很低。 朗文字典 noun [uncountable] – money that you are given for doing your job 你因工作而得到的錢 例句:The tax is deducted from your pay every week. 該稅每週從您的工資中扣除。 韋伯字典 noun – something paid for a purpose and especially as a salary or wage : REMUNERATION ( remuneration n. 酬報;所給的酬勞 ) 酬金為目的而支付的東西,尤指工資或工資 例句:Each pay period begins on the first of the month. 每個支付期從每月的第一天開始。 Pay 總結 從三大字典來看,Pay 同時包含論件計酬或單一份的用法,其用法範圍較廣, 所有薪資都可用pay通稱 這邊只截取部分的內容! 詳細的文章可以前往下面的連結看! https://bit.ly/2R5kQ2i (如有違反版規請告知) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEIC/M.1585893238.A.829.html
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