看板 TOEIC 關於我們 聯絡資訊
改編好題分享 選最接近意義的字 All survey respondents will be "entered" into a gift certificate contest. Prepared Submitted Notified Reported -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEIC/M.1611463914.A.532.html
KurakiMaki : Submitted? 01/24 14:17
roycelewis : 我選sub 01/24 15:01
amgdaaaa : 我也選Sub 01/24 15:09
fullmarks : V-T If you submit a proposal, report, or reque 01/24 15:36
fullmarks : st to someone, you formally send it to them so 01/24 15:36
fullmarks : that they can consider it or decide about it. 01/24 15:36
fullmarks : (柯林斯大辭典) 01/24 15:36
fullmarks : Submit something to someone, 01/24 15:36
fullmarks : Respondent 是個"人" 一般不會來拿submit(提交) 01/24 15:36
nosugertea : 這題的survey的目的是啥?product tester? 01/24 16:41
nosugertea : product development, 還有兩個選項我忘了 01/24 16:43
fullmarks : What's indicated about the survey 不是說目的喔 01/24 17:15
fullmarks : ,是說文章裡面指出了什麼內容 01/24 17:15
fullmarks : First time buyer 01/24 17:15
fullmarks : Purchased on the internet 01/24 17:15
goobbye : Reported ? 01/24 17:25
nosugertea : 答案是first time buyer purchased on the internet 01/24 17:25
nosugertea : 對嗎 01/24 17:25
juliantaipei: notified? 01/24 18:05
fullmarks : 5月從1000位"online customers" 中抽出擴音喇叭的 01/24 18:25
fullmarks : 得獎者 01/24 18:25
KurakiMaki : 一開始我也懷疑submit能不能用在人,可惜我查的是 01/24 22:37
KurakiMaki : yahoo字典,沒有寫這麼詳細XD 01/24 22:37
KurakiMaki : 應該是notified 01/24 22:40