看板 TWICE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Hello everyone, please help to share this vote for TC Candler's the 100 most beautiful faces contest, which Tzuyu had won as the 2nd and 3rd in the last and previous year. Tzuyu,Sana,Jeongyeon,and Nayeon both won the ranking for the TC official The 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2018 last year. Currently all TWICE members are nominated. This vote is very helpful for TWICE in all respects. The 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2019,please vote for Tzuyu,Jihyo,Sana,Momo, Nayeon,Mina,Dahyun,Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung. Please support other ONCE voting on social media . You also can write down your mind to members in English after comment. The sincerer your comments are, the greater your support is. Welcome to share this article to ONCE and friends who don't know about this. Thank you so much. ^ _ ^ 2019 Nominations Video - 100 Most Beautiful Faces https://youtu.be/95EevRc-uP4
Please share this video to the TWICE related community. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tzuyu,Jihyo,Sana,Momo,Nayeon,Mina,Dahyun,Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung are selected. Tzuyu Instagram https://reurl.cc/GWEbW Facebook https://reurl.cc/Qzbjp Twitter https://reurl.cc/07X2A Jihyo Instagram https://reurl.cc/2p73a Facebook https://reurl.cc/zxRre Twitter https://reurl.cc/07X2A Sana Instagram https://reurl.cc/VKnQY Facebook https://reurl.cc/G7gLG Twitter https://reurl.cc/07X2A Momo Instagram https://reurl.cc/rzd5b Facebook https://reurl.cc/nQ0pD Twitter https://reurl.cc/07X2A Nayeon Instagram https://reurl.cc/5gpkMn Facebook https://reurl.cc/L1MjA3 Twitter https://reurl.cc/07X2A Mina Instagram https://reurl.cc/vn7nqe Facebook https://reurl.cc/b696Xy Twitter https://reurl.cc/07X2A Dahyun Instagram https://reurl.cc/6g7EQ6 Facebook https://reurl.cc/Gk4o4d Twitter https://reurl.cc/07X2A Jeongyeon Instagram https://reurl.cc/pDvd5l Facebook https://reurl.cc/5gdlDM Twitter https://reurl.cc/07X2A Chaeyoung Instagram https://reurl.cc/W40W1y Facebook https://reurl.cc/VaYe1y Twitter https://reurl.cc/07X2A ============================================================================== If you want to quickly vote and copy it,here are the following examples. Instagram:Like the post and share it. Services such as Facebook,Twitter and Messenger. Please also like the message. Tzuyu I vote #ChouTzuyu of @twicetagram from #Taiwan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 @tccandler Jihyo I vote #ParkJihyo of @twicetagram from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 @tccandler Sana I vote #MinatozakiSana of @twicetagram from #Japan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 @tccandler Momo I vote #HiraiMomo of @twicetagram from #Japan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 @tccandler Nayeon I vote #ImNayeon of @twicetagram from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 @tccandler Mina I vote #MyouiMina of @twicetagram from #Japan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 @tccandler Dahyun I vote #KimDahyun of @twicetagram from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 @tccandler Jeongyeon I vote #YooJeongyeon of @twicetagram from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 @tccandler Chaeyoung I vote #SonChaeyoung of @twicetagram from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 @tccandler ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Facebook:Like the post and share it. Leave beautiful photos,gifs and very short films. Please also like the message. On the Facebook page,press the black rounded mark of The 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2019 in the upper right corner can adjust the page. After leave the message,please press Enter after the TC Candler'r.The voting message didn't become an official blue link. It is likely that the vote will not be counted. Tzuyu I vote #ChouTzuyu of #JYPETWICE from #Taiwan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 #TCCandler TC Candler Jihyo I vote #ParkJihyo of #JYPETWICE from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 #TCCandler TC Candler Sana I vote #MinatozakiSana of #JYPETWICE from #Japan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 #TCCandler TC Candler Momo I vote #HiraiMomo of #JYPETWICE from #Japan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 #TCCandler TC Candler Nayeon I vote #ImNayeon of #JYPETWICE from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 #TCCandler TC Candler Mina I vote #MyouiMina of #JYPETWICE from #Japan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 #TCCandler TC Candler Dahyun I vote #KimDahyun of #JYPETWICE from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 #TCCandler TC Candler Jeongyeon I vote #YooJeongyeon of #JYPETWICE from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 #TCCandler TC Candler Chaeyoung I vote #SonChaeyoung of #JYPETWICE from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 #TCCandler TC Candler ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Twitter:Like the post and retweet it. Please leave beautiful photos,gifs and very short films. Then,like the message and retweet it. Tzuyu I vote #ChouTzuyu of @JYPETWICE from #Taiwan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 #TCCandler @TCCandler Jihyo I vote #ParkJihyo of @JYPETWICE from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 #TCCandler @TCCandler Sana I vote #MinatozakiSana of @JYPETWICE from #Japan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 #TCCandler @TCCandler Momo I vote #HiraiMomo of @JYPETWICE from #Japan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 #TCCandler @TCCandler Nayeon I vote #ImNayeon of @JYPETWICE from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 #TCCandler @TCCandler Mina I vote #MyouiMina of @JYPETWICE from #Japan for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 #TCCandler @TCCandler Dahyun I vote #KimDahyun of @JYPETWICE from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 #TCCandler @TCCandler Jeongyeon I vote #YooJeongyeon of @JYPETWICE from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 #TCCandler @TCCandler Chaeyoung I vote #SonChaeyoung of @JYPETWICE from #SouthKorea for #tccandler #independentcritics #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2019 #TCCandler @TCCandler ============================================================================== TWICE "Feel Special" M/V https://youtu.be/3ymwOvzhwHs
TWICE 「Fake & True」 Music Video https://youtu.be/zQELp93xxfo
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TWICE/M.1566117547.A.82C.html
garyqbs: 推 辛苦了 08/18 16:52
cpcpao: 辛苦 08/18 16:57
PttKobayashi: 推 辛苦了 08/18 17:14
jayjuo: 辛苦了 08/18 17:22
whatlala: 推推,真的不用推照片進去吧? 08/18 17:31
FB Twitter是可以附美照 動圖 極短影片的 IG YOUTUBE就沒辦法 只能留言 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 08/18/2019 17:41:20
whatlala: 好的明白,我一直困擾到底怎麼在IG上面分享… 08/18 17:54
devidevi: 有新推 08/18 18:08
devidevi: 有心推 08/18 18:08
wing0614: IG分享是指那個指上的符號 在愛心右邊第二個 08/18 18:16
wing0614: 可以分享到FB Twitter Messenger等等^^ 08/18 18:16
catlyeko: 很棒 感謝 08/18 19:01
whatlala: win是照片上面三個點點,'分享連結' 那個嗎? 08/18 19:05
wing0614: 給w大 https://i.imgur.com/frm5Vml.jpg 08/18 19:13
wing0614: 紅色圈起來的地方就是分享 點下去就能分享到其它社群 08/18 19:15
whatlala: 喔~因為我用手機看,可能版面不太一樣,但我明白了:) 08/18 23:28
j26381579: Momo也上了 08/19 00:13
Ilt0101: https://reurl.cc/rzd5b 08/19 09:06
sallyzuo1017: 推推推 08/19 10:16
※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 08/19/2019 16:12:13
garyqbs: 恭喜MOMO提名 08/19 16:18
※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 08/19/2019 16:33:41
qwe321: 已轉Dcard版 08/19 21:09
wing0614: 感謝q大幫忙 08/19 21:10
※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 08/19/2019 23:44:40 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 08/19/2019 23:47:04 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 08/19/2019 23:48:09
jessechen: 推 08/20 00:36
SVXQ: 突然羨慕日本粉絲,巡演GOT6就可以了解到ㄒㄙㄝ 08/20 08:11
Ilt0101: ^ 迷路的推文嗎XDDDD 08/20 09:32
AlenCKH: 大推!感謝! 08/20 09:34
※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 08/21/2019 13:39:28 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 08/21/2019 13:49:56
srgh12689: 給推 想順便問有點白痴的問題 投票是到fb ig Twitter 08/23 22:03
srgh12689: 其中一個投就好 還是三個都要留言 08/23 22:03
wing0614: 三個都要留言 感謝^ _ ^ 08/23 22:56
※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 08/24/2019 13:20:38 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 08/24/2019 16:03:08 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 08/24/2019 16:04:25 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 08/31/2019 11:33:36 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 09/20/2019 21:14:47 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 日本), 09/23/2019 17:50:16 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 10/06/2019 11:40:18 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 10/06/2019 11:47:33 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 10/11/2019 11:34:36 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 10/17/2019 18:26:12 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 10/17/2019 23:18:47 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 10/25/2019 15:37:03 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 10/25/2019 15:39:43 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 11/01/2019 14:16:17 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 11/01/2019 19:21:31 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 11/10/2019 12:47:58 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 11/11/2019 13:07:03 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 11/11/2019 16:10:32 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 11/11/2019 16:14:15 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 12/16/2019 20:02:28 ※ 編輯: wing0614 ( 臺灣), 12/16/2019 20:17:58