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Force Thirteen: Typhoon Hagibis has undertaken an extraordinary intensification phase over the course of today, and now has estimated winds of 180mph and a pressure of 896m b verified by SATIED. The storm could intensify further overnight, and the for ecast calls for the storm to pass through the Northern Mariana islands with wi nds of 190 or 195mph before beginning to steadily weaken as it heads towards J apan this week. The immediate threat lies with the Northern Mariana islands, where CDPS Stage 9 (Extreme) conditions are now expected, along with a typhoon warning for Saip an and Tinian, and a Tropical Storm Warning in Guam. Rainfall amounts could re ach 12 inches on some of these islands. 追風者是不是應該早點去馬里亞納島待命啊 感覺會遠比多里安的巴哈馬還嗨 這玩意兒如果是給山竹那年的吃藥高壓導引 應該是直接殺到台灣來變瓊安2.0@@ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TY_Research/M.1570455813.A.DC5.html
huangjyuan : 西太逆轉勝! 10/07 21:59
birdlover : 如果被去年高壓遇到也是被壓慘吧(? 10/07 22:04
huangjyuan : 去年那個高壓也是壓入菲進南海 10/07 22:17
tina1007 : 山竹那次不是反而被高壓害到一直往南? 10/08 00:01
seeback : 緯度低一點不被勾到就有機會了~ 10/08 09:54
Bustycat : 英文維基的颶風群組強烈抵制這個F13 10/08 12:55
Bustycat : Anatahan目前是無人島,要過去很難 10/08 12:58
dunking : 強烈抵制? 什麼意思? 10/08 13:04
Bustycat : 有些人直接拿F13當消息來源編輯,已經造成困擾 10/08 13:05
hinajian : 追風者本業不知道是什麼?隨時都能出國丸 10/08 13:13
jack82822005: F13 是指? 10/08 17:35
anfbaby : 第二行提到的Force Thirteen 10/08 17:37