看板 TaiwanDrama 關於我們 聯絡資訊
東南亞的反應 蘋果舉的是這篇新加坡網站報導 但沒有收視數字 https://goo.gl/LcwCmN Since its premiere on 2 April, HBO Asia’s first Mandarin Original series, THE TEENAGE PSYCHIC (#TheTeenagePsychic), has received positive ratings and rave reviews. Mr. Jonathan Spink, CEO of HBO Asia, says, "We are very encouraged by the great feedback received so far for THE TEENAGE PSYCHIC which has exceeded our expectations on a story that is uniquely Taiwan and yet comes with a universal appeal.” 官方粉絲團上,最大宗外國人留言反應的是越南與新加坡朋友們(用簡中), 泰越菲文但都看不懂,摘錄幾則英文評價留言如下,太短的評論未摘錄: twitter CYBER MOON SPILLAGE? : Love The Teenage Psychic for its v v subtle queer side stories and also for its humor + light-hearted romance it is v cute 8/10 okim -? @Okimbap: HBO's original series " The Teenage Psychic" isn't your typical horror themed series, it's soooo kilig and heartbreaking at the same time janin? : Teenage psychic is so beautiful T.T Xiao Zhen always has a good wisdom to share after every episode :'(( syaaa: I just want to say to you that I have a crush on Taiwan people. Why? I'm addicted to watch The Teenage Psychic. Ah Le. His smile so bright FineTY?: Teenage psychic is quite interesting. It does make me miss taiwan at least haaa natania?: y'all should watch the teenage psychic even if you don't like taiwan shows cause i didn't like them but this one's LIT Cho-anne: Okay I'm hooked with HBO's The Teenage Psychic. It's been a while since I watched Taiwanese drama. Christian Valera? : "Instead of brooding over what to do just do what makes you happy" - random chinese show on tv (teenage psychic) Chin Lu : Balancing exorcism with school romance?! UM YES 100% would watch a show about a Taiwanese teenage girl psychic Kerwin Fortes: HBO Asia's "The Teenage Psychic" is heartwarming and relatable. tori (2017): just cried like a motherfucker @ hbo's new taiwanese show TEENAGE PSYCHIC bc there was a lesbian ghost Iscaaa: "No matter how much it hurts now, tomorrow will bring someone new" - The Teenage Psychic Aleksis: What can you say about this quote from teenage psychic: do not regret what you have done, regret what you have not done? bea? : honestlyyy maybe i can binge watch the teenage psychic because the fifteen minutes of it that i watched on hbo was so fucking cute. Chilesaurus: THE TEENAGE PSYCHIC has that casual acceptance of the so-called supernatural mingled w slice-o-life melodrama fr say UNCLE BOONMEE, but lite facebook Trent Zin: Love it. The performance in a way that make me smile and cry naturally while exploring and participating culture in the same time YuiFann Jenn Kou: Unexpectedly warmy & people oriented drama, has inspired the emotional and interaction among people.As a young artist, Shu Yao Kuo has acted her contradiction and reaction between her school life and exorcism. Sabrina Liao: It's so exciting and satisfying to see a such high quality drama is being produced in Taiwan. A vivid and in depth exploration of Taiwanese culture without making it vulgar or silly . Absolutely love it. Peter Lee: Hope it show a lot more of the spiritual world so more people can know what's going on. Albert Chan Paran: #TheTeenagePsychic is my very first favorite TV series as the first HBO ASIA ORIGINAL SERIES since it started last week in HBO HD. I really love it and every episode is exciting, thrilling and making you fell in love again. CONGRATULATIONS for making this excellent series !!! Mel Low: Good job HBO! Am so surprised that you guys are producing a chinese series. The lighting and setup is top notch and cast selection is very gd too. The subtitles are life saver! Well done! Darwin Dacillo: I really love this show.i always find time to watch it every Sunday here in the Philippines. Great cast and story by the way.Im looking forward next week for your Season Finale.Hoping for a show stoping ending for the love triangle between Ah Le and Xiao Zhen.Good Job Darwin from the Philippines Dilla Rosa Hermayani: Do you know Criminal Minds? They also always have quotes at the beginning and the end of the episodes,I notice that The Teenage Psychic also have it. I can easily find Criminal Minds' quotes because a lot of fans write it in their blog/website. I can't find TTP's quotes probably because it's a new series. I think you should write it (in English of course) in this FB page,because those quotes are lovely. 最後這位是來討通靈語錄的,還有一位說想理解"不曾回來過"的 歌詞語意的,有人翻譯了給她,懶得貼了,放在我blog裡 http://lemlazy7.pixnet.net/blog/post/341397978 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TaiwanDrama/M.1493574619.A.4AE.html
yeswater: 越南很迷三民八點檔 水管就一堆越南配音版 05/01 01:56
Chieen: 阿樂東南亞老婆群湧出中 05/01 02:01
shreka: 我看到賽德克巴萊第一個po在水管的盜版就是越南文版的LOl 05/01 02:04
jyekid: 可以考慮弄個通靈行程招攬觀光客了 05/01 02:07
jyekid: 不過這部還沒看 一次看完感覺爽多了 05/01 02:07
shreka: 宣傳是台北市文化基金會負責的 搞不好會做這塊 05/01 02:09
shreka: 用戲劇招觀光有效!那些年拉到港客 不能說/少女時代拉韓客 05/01 02:11
a08054491: 北投汐止通靈之旅 05/01 02:13
Dawei1165: 明天如果有空來翻一下XD 05/01 02:14
DavidMoney: 通靈少女應該會吸引到不少外國人來台觀光 05/01 02:15
marsonele: 這麼快就妻妾成群了XDDD 05/01 02:19
hhaapp42: 推 05/01 02:22
Mazu323: 所以媽祖可能也要派會講東南亞語言的工作人員來服務了XD 05/01 02:23
marsonele: 東南亞乩身預備 05/01 02:29
ace4: 因為東南亞也很信 這種戲才能 一開始吸引大家收看 05/01 02:37
ace4: 看看台灣的戲劇這戲馬上又出一個男一號 香港最近出了誰? 05/01 02:40
Jr0000: 翻譯一下吧@@不然要因為阿樂的死被牽怒了XD 05/01 02:42
jay3300: 真的不打算出原聲帶嗎?感覺東南亞也能賣 05/01 02:47
jay3300: 覺得配樂很棒 05/01 02:47
michelle130: 目前看第一集,覺得很有趣,很有台灣感,角色也表現 05/01 10:22
michelle130: 的不錯。 05/01 10:22
CAROLIES: 其實這部在台灣以外的人氣一般般(我在新加坡),並沒有 05/01 10:36
CAROLIES: 報導說的那樣轟動。Twitter上面歐美粉絲也根本不知道這 05/01 10:36
CAROLIES: 部(可以去看mydramalist),不過也可以理解因為只有東 05/01 10:36
CAROLIES: 南亞HBO在播。希望這部可以上歐美網站,加英文字幕吸引 05/01 10:36
CAROLIES: 更多人。公視很多劇都這個問題,沒英文翻譯,海外的人對 05/01 10:36
CAROLIES: 台灣就只對偶像劇有印象 05/01 10:36
CAROLIES: 這部在新加坡還是蠻小眾的,至少我身邊的很多朋友都根本 05/01 10:41
CAROLIES: 不知道這部劇,還是韓劇線上看當道。現在還在收看電視的 05/01 10:41
CAROLIES: 人很少,尤其是有線HBO所以我覺得報導有點太理想化海外 05/01 10:41
CAROLIES: 的情況了 不過在台灣的確很有人氣 05/01 10:41
shreka: HBO推自己的劇當然這樣講XD 樓上的資訊很有參考性 05/01 11:41
spaceegg: HBO有擴展收視的需求我們則需要資金,雙方各取所需 05/01 11:44
spaceegg: 藉此讓台灣影視界研究東南亞市場收視需求是很好的開始啊 05/01 11:45
dawnny: 新加坡時間是幾點播出呢? 05/01 12:08
CAROLIES: 其實我也是網路上看的XD 我家裡根本沒裝HBO 所以我說咯~ 05/01 12:41
CAROLIES: 至於以前台劇在新加坡很有人氣,但現在電視要嘛是播 05/01 12:42
CAROLIES: 韓劇,要嘛是婆媽的台灣鄉土劇,只剩三立偶像劇在有線台 05/01 12:42
CAROLIES: 不過通靈少女的廣告打得很兇,我在捷運站都看到宣傳海報 05/01 12:44
CAROLIES: 滑臉書的時候也會看到預告廣告,但效果如何我就不清楚 05/01 12:45
CAROLIES: 要讓偶像劇以外的台劇走出外國市場我覺得最重要 05/01 12:47
shreka: 對了,聽說HBO奧斯卡頒獎時有廣告? 這應該是花最多錢的行銷 05/01 12:59
devidevi: 花的是HBO的錢...應該是..別擔心 05/01 13:20
sleepyrat: HBO在自己的頻道打廣告,應該是....不用錢~~ 05/01 16:26