看板 Taurus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
某個在你生活圈中的人在你給創造高度的焦慮。 金牛,無論你有沒有在這個人附近,你可以感覺到如履薄冰。 你無法說你想要說的事情,因為你害怕衍生的影響。 因為你不想打壞關係,所以沒有做太多舉動。 雖然這個人可能有反覆無常的脾氣,或天生熱情, 你有點走錯方向,你其實能掌握這個人舉動。 記得,從今天開始,面對這個人時好好做自己。 你會發現事情會好轉一點。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oct 14 2017 There is someone in your life who creates high anxiety around you. Whenever you are around this person, Taurus, you may feel like you are walking on eggshells. You may not say things you want to say for fear of the reaction you will receive. You may make choices you may not have made otherwise because you don't want to rock the boat. But although this person may have a volatile temper or a passionate nature, you are partly at fault for the state of things. You can handle what this person dishes out. Remember that. Starting today, be true to you when around this individual. You'll find that the reactions soften after that. -- -- 僅供參考 Daily Horoscope APP : https://itunes.apple.com/tw/app/the-dailyhoroscope/id363920434?mt=8 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Taurus/M.1507903381.A.657.html
win423520: 好難 10/13 22:04
ioueioue: 準到我說不出話來 10/13 22:23
j51225: 準到無言+1 10/13 22:56
guti14raul7: 好準 :( 10/14 00:06
jack2420: 反覆無常的脾氣 準 10/14 00:11
ALTE: 正是我需要的建議 正面能量滿滿 10/14 00:49
benzene: 準...明天會遇到這個ㄖㄣ 10/14 01:21
gipo776: 推 10/14 02:00
ruj9vul3: ....扯一個 10/14 02:04
renrun: 太準了吧… 10/14 05:02
LoveFood: be true to you,真實面對自己內心 10/14 05:39
aimeda: 超準 主管...... 10/14 07:40
whoamiapril: 太準............ 10/14 08:56
lucaswen: 主管+1 10/14 09:55
ex582010: 準~ 10/14 10:57
mibamiba1996: 超準... 10/14 11:16
yoursugar: 好準!男友!!! 10/14 12:26
seraphim1992: 太...準... 10/14 12:44
tges92124: 超級準 10/14 15:17
love19830424: 女友…… 10/14 18:04
derow: 正在追的對象.......... 10/14 22:03
sheng57: 好 10/14 23:54
coo1instar: 準到起雞皮疙瘩...... 10/15 01:00