看板 Taurus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
金牛,你的內心可能卡在某個心煩的點上。 也許你氣自己還放不下,也許是覺得自己很蠢。 或是你對那個讓你落入困境的人而生氣, 因為他們沒有對你講該講的實話。 過度宣洩可能會導致麻煩,但把它們憋在心裡會更糟糕。 找個安全的方式釋放掉這些壞心情,讓它們通通滾出去。 藉此你就可以很快地把障礙排除回到自己的道路上。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mar 4 2018 You may be fuming internally about a position you have gotten stuck in, Taurus. Maybe you are angry with yourself for letting it go this far. Maybe you feel foolish. Or maybe you are mad at someone else who got you into a predicament because they did not disclose everything they should have. Venting out loud could cause trouble, but turning it all inward is even worse. Find a safe outlet for your frustration. Let it all out. Then you can work your way through this quickly and with less hindrance. -- -- 僅供參考 Daily Horoscope APP : https://itunes.apple.com/tw/app/the-dailyhoroscope/id363920434?mt=8 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Taurus/M.1520091847.A.72A.html
infant520: 謝謝 03/04 00:04
ioueioue: 解鈴還須繫鈴人 03/04 00:12
bbrrnn: 謝謝 03/04 00:21
little2099: 好的 03/04 00:22
R0406: 呃呃QQ 03/04 00:25
poi555: 好準,這兩天心好煩.. 恨自己不能放寬心... 03/04 00:42
seraphim1992: 超級準... 03/04 01:16
funnysummer: 真準,心上的結快勒死我了! 03/04 02:11
violadepp: 不知道怎麼去找個安全的方式 03/04 03:17
HDSM: 好 03/04 03:19
yellow1000: 準 03/04 08:11
kumalalala: 準到好想哭 03/04 10:17
allyisqueen: 超準 03/04 11:11
jeffli: 神準...需要好好宣洩一下情緒 03/04 11:17
wcanters: 太準了 03/04 19:32
lainq: 準...可惜,好像有點太遲看到了 03/05 22:34
joycepa: 好準 03/06 02:59