看板 Taurus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
呣呣~某些過去曾發生的事、或某些人曾說過的話,可能威脅到你現有的情緒。 理所當然的,你會展開防禦,並且試圖去回應那些事情。 然而,你需要去考慮這些應對的方式:究竟是正確的應對,抑或只是一時的情緒、過去的 往事回憶、或一些你心底所期望的期待。 若這件事已經有明顯的徵兆,那麼你必須對自己誠實。 若你去嘗試,你可以解開過去不曾解的結。 註:對自己誠實,別害怕面對,隨時以明天就可以去死的心態面對一切,那也沒什麼好怕 的了。 You may be perceiving something someone has said or done as a threat to your emotional wll-being , Taurus. Naturally , you may feel defensive , and you may have responded in a way that reflects that. However , you need to consider whether your perception is accurate or simply a response to some past event , some fear , or some expectation you had in your mind. If this perception was shaped by something else , be honest with yourself. You can undo any damage that may been caused if you try. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Taurus/M.1552782003.A.1C2.html
law80432: 每次和善面對,但對方總是故態復萌,是不是就沒必要和 03/17 08:38
law80432: 藹了呢? 03/17 08:38
karen1234: 謝謝翻譯 03/17 08:56
sin0429: ...完全最近的心境 03/17 08:57
bluesai: 謝謝翻譯 03/17 08:57
law80432: 感謝辛苦翻譯 03/17 09:29
seseme: 完全是昨晚到現在的心境,準到可怕..... 03/17 12:06
ourblue: 準.從昨天開始某些話在心底發酵超級難受 03/17 12:17
cprrrr: 謝謝 03/17 13:22
kaeun421: 好準喔… 03/17 13:26
hcl45: 嗯...好好面對QQ內心會慢慢成長 03/17 19:17
gipo776: 謝謝 03/17 20:01
fluffy48: 謝謝 03/17 22:24