看板 Taurus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
或許你會覺得自己有些疲憊,甚至是筋疲力盡,阿牛。但認識你的人都知道,你會鞭策自 己前進並做好份內的事,這是件好事。但也別忘記找時間休息,儲存自己的精力。可能會 認為把事情做完之後再休息就好,但你每天花在照顧自己這件事的心力並不夠。 ——— Taurus Horoscope for Tuesday December 28 You may find yourself feeling a bit drained or even exhausted right now, Tauru s. But knowing you, you will push yourself forward and do what must be done. T hat's fine, but don't forget to also take the time you need to rest and restor e your energy. You may think that this is something you can put off until late r, when things settle down, but you need to make self-care more of a vital ing redient of each day. You don't do enough of that. ——— 想做點改變,所以就試著來翻譯了,希望能維持久一點。 英文不是很好,如果有問題歡迎跟我說,謝謝大家。 ——— 今日單字: drain 瀝乾;疲憊。 exhaust 虛弱;精疲力盡。 vital ingredient 重要因素。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Taurus/M.1640623362.A.F8A.html
jeanchen1991: 謝謝翻譯 12/28 05:17
glory90064: 謝謝翻譯 12/28 08:32
gipo776: 真的...謝謝 12/28 12:37
monsterwai: 謝謝 12/28 12:52