看板 Taurus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
今天停下來思考目前自己的幸福指數吧,阿牛。你幸福嗎?你滿足嗎?或你根本沒想過真 正的幸福是什麼呢?你非常清楚最近在解決的問題,但可能你根本沒有想到它們是如何影 響你的。如果你把經常評估自己的幸福指數當成一個重點,你就能從頭到尾都保持著相當 高的幸福感。只要意識到自己的感受,你就能找到方法讓自己的感覺更好。今天要牢記這 點。 —— Stop for a few moments today, Taurus, and think about your current level of ha ppiness. Are you blissful? Are you simply content? Or is true happiness not on your radar at all? You have been very aware recently of the problems you are grappling with, but you may not be thinking at all about how they are affectin g you personally. But if you do make it a point of frequently assessing your h appiness level, you can always keep it as elevated as possible. Just by being aware of how you feel, you can find ways to feel better. Keep that in mind tod ay. —— on sb’s radar (某人)知道、想到 frequent 頻繁、習以為常 assess 評估、考量、考核 be aware 意識到、察覺、了解 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Taurus/M.1660323945.A.531.html
haibarajdi: 謝謝翻譯 謝謝提醒 08/13 02:37
sherry4229: 謝謝!p(^_^)q 08/13 05:35
goodcial: 謝謝! 08/13 05:42
gipo776: 謝謝 08/13 07:55
EiryoWaga: 謝謝 08/13 09:36
monsterwai: 謝謝 08/13 11:26
ukim0506: 謝謝 08/13 12:39