看板 Taurus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
阿牛,今天可能有個重新開始的機會。如果你覺得自己最近在某個機會中失敗了,這可能 意味著你會有第二次機會進行嘗試。如果你之前有所保留,那麼這次就毫無保留地去嘗試 吧。如果你認為自己沒有充分展示自己的天賦或智慧,別害羞了,走出去好好地炫耀一番 吧。你是有價值的。你的精神和情緒是很強大的。好好利用這個新的開始吧,記住這一點 。 —— A fresh start is possible today, Taurus. If you feel like you failed where a r ecent opportunity is concerned, this may mean that you will have a second chan ce to try. If you held back before, then hold nothing back this time. If you b elieve you didn't show your full range of talent or intelligence, don't be shy about getting out there and showing off a bit. You are worthy. You are mental ly and emotionally powerful. Remember this and take advantage of that new begi nning. —— -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Taurus/M.1665765604.A.EA7.html
eskimosai: 謝謝 10/15 07:38
everquest: 謝謝 10/15 09:04
haibarajdi: 謝謝 毫無保留地去嘗試吧 10/15 09:38
gipo776: 謝謝 10/15 09:48
zxcvbnm21031: 謝謝 10/15 09:55
candy15: 天賦!精神強大 10/15 17:57