看板 Taurus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
你一直在尋找的東西,似乎每次都讓你難以捉摸。你可能想知道,為什麼你投入了這麼多 的時間與精力,卻似乎無法體現出來。這可能是因為宇宙在幫助你避免它。也許你並不真 正需要你試著想獲得的東西。事實上,阿牛,它可能甚至對你沒有好處,或有著更好的東 西在等著你。如果你對此保持開放態度,那今天也許能弄清楚。 —— Something that you have been seeking out seems to elude you at every turn. You may be wondering why, with all of the time and energy you have put into this, you just can't seem to manifest it. It may be because the universe is actuall y helping you to avoid it. Perhaps you don't really need what you are trying t o acquire. In fact, Taurus, it could even be that it wouldn't be good for you or that there is something much better out there. If you are open to that, you may be able to figure that out today. —— -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Taurus/M.1666976552.A.D9F.html
goodcial: 謝謝!10/29 02:22
EiryoWaga: 謝謝!已經弄清楚並愉快的斷捨離XD10/29 10:04
zxcvbnm21031: 謝謝10/29 10:05
gipo776: 謝謝10/29 12:34
※ 編輯: qpeter2243 ( 臺灣), 10/29/2022 17:28:00
monsterwai: 謝謝 10/29 20:43
haibarajdi: 謝謝。也許想要的並不需要,更好的在等,保持開放 10/30 20:27