看板 Taurus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
現在你的生活可能發生了一些事,這使你有點緊張,阿牛。這跟你必須開始實施的改變有 關,而你現在可能非常懷疑它。一開始這感覺是個很正確的好主意。但現在你相當擔心且 關切它。不要擔心!讓它顯露。對你開啟的事物要有信心。給它一個機會證明自己。你可 能很緊張,因為最近其他事都沒有成功,但你應該要對這件事有信心,讓它發揮出來吧。 —— There may be some things going on in your life right now that make you a littl e bit nervous, Taurus. This has to do with a change you have set in motion, an d now you may be having significant doubts about it. At first, it felt like a good idea and the right thing to do. But now... now you are worried and concer ned. Don't worry! Let it unfold. Have trust in what you started. Give it a cha nce to prove itself. You may be nervous because other things haven't worked ou t for you recently, but you should have faith in this and let it play out. —— -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Taurus/M.1668532284.A.A82.html
haibarajdi: 謝謝。對開啟的事有信心 給它機會證明 11/16 04:23
onebuck: 謝謝 11/16 06:06
gipo776: 謝謝 11/16 06:30
tinabjqs: 謝謝 11/16 08:53
EiryoWaga: 謝謝 11/16 09:25
goodcial: 謝謝! 11/16 21:44