看板 Taurus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
追求一個目標或承擔一項你覺得不那麼安全的計劃可能將會是個美妙的經歷。它能挑戰你 、激勵你、建立你的信心並為你創造一個情況使你遇見有趣的人。即便你可能不覺得自己 能夠令人欽佩地處理這個問題(尤其是因為這個原因),你還是需要去承擔,親愛的阿牛 。在這週開始行動吧。蒐集你所需要的東西,包括指導和支援相關的資源與相關人士,然 後開始行動。一場嚴重的衝突,可能是分道揚鑣,也許是前陣子的分歧造成的。這件事可 能始於一個小誤解或毫無意義或共鳴的爭論。現在你們似乎沒辦法回到過去的關係了。但 也許有的。這週也可能有機會治癒過去的創傷,重建你和這個人所曾經擁有的基礎,不要 錯過這個機會。本週稍晚,你可能不得不隨機應變,在沒有太多時間思考的狀況下做出決 定。一但你感覺到自己好像該做什麼了,那麼不要質疑,不要懷疑。你的能力遠比你有時 認知到的更加強大,給自己應得的榮譽吧。 —— Pursuing a goal or taking on a project that you feel a bit insecure about coul d be a wonderful experience. It could challenge you, inspire you, build your c onfidence, and create situations where you will meet new and interesting peopl e. Even though you may not feel like you can handle this admirably - and espec ially because of that - you need to take it on, dear Taurus. This week, get st arted. Gather what you need, including resources and connections for guidance and support, and get going. A serious conflict, and perhaps a parting of the w ays, may have occurred because of a disagreement that happened some time ago. This particular matter may have begun with a minor misunderstanding or an argu ment that had little significance or resonance. Now, though, there does not se em to be a path back to the relationship as it was. But perhaps there is. This week, you may have an opening to start healing that old wound and rebuilding the foundation you once had with this individual. Don't miss this chance. You may have to think on your feet late in the week, making a decision without muc h time to think about it. Once you have a feeling about what you should do, do n't question it and don't doubt it. You are far more capable than you sometime s recognize. Give yourself the credit you deserve. —— Think on (sb’s) feet 隨機應變;思維敏捷 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Taurus/M.1674236682.A.470.html
zxcvbnm21031: 謝謝,新年快樂! 01/21 08:45
gipo776: 新年快樂 01/21 08:51
monsterwai: 謝謝 01/21 09:20
monsterwai: 新年快樂~ 01/21 09:21
goodcial: 謝謝,新年快樂! 01/21 11:39
tinabjqs: 謝謝,新年快樂 01/21 13:50
purecake: 謝謝。新年快樂 01/21 20:47
pewq: 謝謝~新年快樂 01/21 23:01
ginji0419: 謝謝,新年快樂 01/22 02:42