看板 TaylorSwift 關於我們 聯絡資訊
剛剛聽完整張專輯 覺得I did something bad很適合當首波主打歌啊 其他每一首也都很好聽 大家最喜歡哪一首? 你們會 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TaylorSwift/M.1510335471.A.B23.html
fmhowwwie: delicate ! 11/11 01:39
Sebertian: Look what you made me do 11/11 02:10
chang4red: 手手綁起來跳舞~ 11/11 02:17
ivy0705: Getaway Car 11/11 04:43
o2046000o: King of my heart 11/11 07:30
utobe3: Getaway Car 11/11 08:51
nataleah: 目前是幹壞事XDD 11/11 09:15
royswifty: This is why we can’t have nice things 但很多都很愛 11/11 09:19
royswifty: 啦 11/11 09:19
hikkiyo: Call it what you want 11/11 09:34
dj30211: I did something bad和King of my heart 11/11 10:20
janes00529: Call is what you want getaway car 11/11 10:25
pili61104: I Did Sth Bad跟Dont blame me 11/11 11:49
amanda0ray: 做壞事跟不要怪我 這兩首一起聽簡直像吸毒 11/11 11:57
puddinghot: 樓上!!!真的超嗨XD 11/11 12:15
brendatsaiii: 有人跟我一樣看完gorgeous的making of the song後 11/11 12:37
brendatsaiii: 中毒嗎...我一開始也覺得不好聽結果現在竟然一直在 11/11 12:37
brendatsaiii: 循環播放 11/11 12:37
stu962046: 怎麼沒有人推RFI,我很喜歡主歌跟副歌的反差啊~ 11/11 12:41
brendatsaiii: RFI 很棒啊很愛歌詞欸還有性感的悶哼 11/11 12:49
hikkiyo: 目前新歌最愛跳舞手牽手 這張歌名取得不太好 11/11 13:10
Andersonchiu: RFI最近一直聽 超愛 11/11 13:52
light20735: 我現在是EndGame跟Dancing With Our Hands Tied 11/11 14:06
lim10337: End Game/Getaway Car/King of My Heart/New Year's Day 11/11 14:10
toughcookie: Call it what you want! 11/11 14:24
pili61104: 這張專輯首單等級的歌就有將近5、6首,真的覺得很棒 11/11 15:05
lautomne: 做壞事跟CIWYW 11/11 15:58
lautomne: 喔喔對RFI XD 11/11 15:58
josixvam: 做壞事、TIWWCHNT、New Year's Day 11/11 16:12
icandobetter: 目前最愛EndGame和Dancing With Our Hands Tied 11/11 16:33
Matchaport: grt away car 超好聽! 11/11 17:16
Matchaport: *get 11/11 17:16
d59203z: 最愛delicate 再來Getaway car、King of my heart、RFI、 11/11 17:50
d59203z: 幹壞事 11/11 17:50
d59203z: 喔還有End game、CIWYW....半張專輯以上都好聽 11/11 17:52
twpcc: Delicate, Getaway car, New Year’s Day 11/11 19:01
blairrajarm: 只有我喜歡don't blame me嗎 11/11 20:07
adgjmptw: 沒有之前說的那首 rip off the page 嗎 覺得很好聽的感 11/11 20:32
adgjmptw: 覺 11/11 20:32
lilavadee: call it what you want 11/11 21:25
hnj92: Dancing With Our Hands Tied 11/11 21:39
lin881102: CIWYW但個人覺得結束遊戲打單必冠 曲風跟陣容都很完美 11/11 22:52
amei30321: 我等專輯來了再來答XD 11/12 02:51
lautomne: 有人喜歡Dress嗎?莫名聽一聽,一會兒就愛上了XD 11/12 08:31
royswifty: 多聽幾次每一首都好喜歡QQ 11/12 09:33
lim10337: 基本上找不到一首是真的想跳過的 這張真得好聽 11/12 11:10
im5jsu06: dancing with our hands tied好讓人上癮 11/12 11:40
im5jsu06: getaway cars也很棒qqq 11/12 11:41
j03us6: 聽越多次越選不出來 11/12 12:02
Hanabiayu: 目前還是最愛Look What You Made Me Do其次Getaway Car 11/12 14:15
tsr1213: Ready for it/king of my heart/end game/別怪我/幹壞事/ 11/12 15:45
tsr1213: dress 11/12 15:45
tay52098: 目前最愛Don't blame me ,超帶感 11/12 16:40
quincy1020: end game是專輯中讓人覺得十分不錯的新歌 11/12 17:36
zxacoo88: Dancing with our hands tied, end game 11/12 20:32
AlexisK: Call it what you want 11/12 20:32
edward10703: Dancing with our hands tied~大愛 11/12 21:00
maxheartttw: don't blame me真的很入耳 11/12 21:37
f12341076: Call it what you want好上癮 11/12 23:38
carpediemdav: LWYMMD、做壞事、Getaway Car 11/13 19:05
TS1989: 聽說mama Swift在試聽會時聽到dress會離開房間XDDD 11/13 19:45
TS1989: 我覺得這專好幾首都有暗示 只是dress歌詞真的太直接XDDD 11/13 19:46
jaemu734: Don't blame me、Getaway car、King of my heart、Danc 11/13 23:19
jaemu734: ing with our hands tied、Dress 、New Year's day都聽 11/13 23:19
jaemu734: 到中毒 11/13 23:19
utobe3: 愈聽愈選不出來+1 11/13 23:24
kawaiikaoru: end game/getaway car/dancing with our hands tied/ 11/13 23:29
kawaiikaoru: king of my heart 11/13 23:29
jaemu734: 補一下,其實除了RFI、end game、gorgeous、CIWYW,剩 11/14 00:38
jaemu734: 下都大愛(×10,000),不想挑了XD 11/14 00:38
hikkiyo: 嗚 不准樓上不喜歡CIWYW Q_Q 11/14 00:56
Andersonchiu: 最近很常聽新年 愛慘 11/14 23:43
happypink: Getaway car、King of my heart、New year Day,新年會 11/18 08:43
happypink: 一直聽欸.. 11/18 08:43
eva2255848: end game 跟 getaway car 超級爆炸好聽~~ Dress也愛 12/06 15:25
eva2255848: 歌名最長的那首也好好聽 尤其看了歌詞之後 諷刺的歡樂 12/06 22:19
eva2255848: 感 好爽啊 12/06 22:19
purely: End game!!!!!!!! 沒有之一 12/07 20:05
TY056: ready for it 12/14 00:31
krisss13: Dancing With Our Hands Tied 06/26 07:55