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來源: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/08/06/htc-outlook-idUSL3N10H1ZE20150806 HTC CFO張嘉林告訴路透社:「裁員將在全公司進行,規模很大。」 他還說,從現在到明年第一季度,HTC會不斷採取措施降低成本,但他拒絕 透露更多細節,看樣子要大規模重組。 作為智慧手機鼻祖的HTC,近幾年因為內外各種原因節節敗退,市場份額丟 失了51%,高階無法抵擋蘋果和三星,低階不重視又被中國手機廠商壓得喘 不過氣來。 張嘉林稱,HTC寄希望於在印度等發展中手機市場推銷高階機型,並稱該公司 在200-400美元價位市場上擁有20%的份額。 Taiwan's HTC says to cut jobs, smartphone models to revive sales Aug 6 Taiwanese smartphone maker HTC Corp said it would cut jobs and discontinue models as part of its strategy to focus on high-end devices to better compete with the likes of Apple Inc and Samsung Electronics. "The cuts will be across the board," Chief Financial Officer Chialin Chang told reporters after HTC reported a second-quarter loss and forecast another for the third-quarter. "They will be significant." Chang said the cost reductions would extend to the first quarter of next year, but declined to give further details. A pioneer in early smartphones, HTC has been dismissed by industry watchers as confused, unoriginal and uncompetitive. The company has been losing market share over the past few years, hit by intense competition at the high-end of the market from the likes of Apple and Samsung Electronics while budget Chinese rivals have also eclipsed its low-cost offerings. HTC shares have fallen 51 percent so far this year. The stock closed 1.69 percent lower before the results were announced. Chang said HTC was banking on selling high-end models in emerging smartphone markets such as India, where he said the company has a 20 percent market share of phones priced between $250-$400. Analysts, however, are less optimistic, saying HTC is likely to continue to struggle for the next four quarters at least. "We believe HTC will keep losing share in the smartphone market and will keep losing money," analyst Calvin Huang with Taiwan's SinoPac Securities wrote in a recent research note. ($1 = 31.6490 Taiwan dollars) (Editing by Miral Fahmy) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1438908395.A.56F.html ※ 編輯: hayatoman (, 08/07/2015 08:47:28
iosian: Hide the camera 08/07 08:57
KoreaGG: 紅茶店 掰 08/07 09:02
SEEDA: 嚇死人..先打個砲壓壓驚 08/07 09:02
GoalBased: 51%.... 08/07 09:03
pptchiwei: 騙員工進會議室打砲就不用付資遣費,一個小姐只要3000 08/07 09:05
iosian: hump the colleague 08/07 09:05
ptta: 員工永遠最後一個知道 08/07 09:15
KurakiMaki: 叫那些死忠力挺的粉絲情何以堪,這間公司一直在說謊 08/07 09:17
OoShiunoO: 1走著瞧~ 08/07 09:18
kennex: Hide the cameraXD 08/07 09:25
arcc: 潮度降低了 08/07 09:30
phaseshift: 難怪員工壓力大到要在會議室…… 08/07 09:54
manlike: utf8表示:錢爽爽領啦~~~ 08/07 09:57
Luos: 還有人可以裁嗎? 08/07 10:03
catvsdog: 雜牌26手機就不要一直浪費版面惹 每天都一篇... 08/07 10:04
rockwho: 看來蝴蝶機3是最後大作了,等買 08/07 10:27
Rocker5566: 爽啦 看到就爽 08/07 10:29
Rocker5566: 看我之前的文 這間公司員工的態度值得被裁 08/07 10:31
imafox: 豪慘,在中國連個二貨都當不了 08/07 10:31
stone0504: 先把自己裁掉吧 08/07 10:44
supereva: 打炮員工表示 反正都要被裁 至少有爽到 08/07 10:48
wellkom: 雜牌拜託放過人才吧,幹了那麼多人家的工程師 08/07 10:53
SkyShih: 念你一代鬃蝨,你自宮吧 08/07 11:13
JosephCYC: 104要開缺了 08/07 11:39
WenliYang: 不意外 一堆員工等很久了 等領資遣費要閃囉 08/07 11:46
tu04: 打砲員工少領了幾個月遣散費! 08/07 12:09
KMTATM: 裁到最後 只留那些很能幹的 08/07 12:12
pptchiwei: 你說在會議室裡很能幹嘛? 08/07 12:13
dilson: 恩 能幹的留下來!! 08/07 12:24
allenxxx: 在會議室裡很能幹有兩種,一種是嘴砲,一種是x砲..哪一種? 08/07 12:25
lovewsc: 該給的要給 08/07 12:25
zhi5566: 要跟高通員工搶飯碗了 高通台灣會是這波裁員重災區 08/07 12:32
zhi5566: 發哥又凍結 今年會有一批工程師流浪街頭... 08/07 12:32
UltraKill: 進場的好時機! 08/07 12:34
allenxxx: HTC與威盛...現在哪個慘? 08/07 12:50
tibayfather: 下半年電子業不好,多數都凍 08/07 13:34
tibayfather: htc重整,可能對人力市場沖擊很大 08/07 13:34
MrRedHair: 走著瞧 08/07 14:45
yzu5566: htc 最近新聞好多 08/07 15:50
ganninian: 我拒買HTC 以後只考慮華碩與蘋果 08/07 19:08
allenxxx: 石頭品質有比較好嗎? 08/07 19:49
boss0405: 華碩比HTC還血汗耶... 08/07 20:12
bboman: 走著瞧 08/07 21:43
TaiHsinchu: 是因為打炮的倆人的因素?? 哈哈 為了自己爽害到其他人 08/07 21:50
catvsdog: 至少阿速死不會說自己是26品牌 當然支持 08/07 22:03
SCLEE5566: 打砲公司,爽啦 08/08 08:09
kyuliu: 拜託,阿速死的真鳳都是在大陸做的耶,手機問題也是一堆。 08/08 09:15
kyuliu: 我認為最大問題不是在內建92共識,而是在該打機海戰術是沒 08/08 09:15
kyuliu: 打機海,不該打機海時打機海戰術。最近2年手機幾乎沒改變 08/08 09:15
kyuliu: 。 08/08 09:15
aria0624: 爽 拒買htc 囂張沒落魄的久 08/08 10:56
showbizz: 台南htc bye..... 08/10 00:26