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Goodbye Moore's Law! Intel invests $50 million into quantum computing partnership http://fortune.com/2015/09/03/intel-quantum-computing/ Intel, the chip giant, has committed $50 million and engineering resources as part of a 10-year partnership with a Dutch university to advance research in quantum computing. The partnership with Delft University of Technology and TNO, the Dutch Organization for Applied Research, will involve research and materials at Intel and at the university. 只截錄第一段內文 其餘有興趣的可以去連結內看 ----- 不過感覺I社最近動作蠻多的 除了之前的3D Xpoint記憶體 有可能掀起記憶體革命之外 現在也開始去投資傳統數位邏輯矽晶片之外的領域 會不會哪天矽晶片製程也會被取代? 到時GG還跟得上嗎?(也許到時張爺爺也不在了) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1441385977.A.39D.html
Push5F: 臺勞CP超級高享譽國際爭相挖角人才 09/05 01:02
TokyoHard: 我看成qualcomm,這世界末日啊! 09/05 01:03
dslite: +1 09/05 11:38
cuteSquirrel: 看成qualcomm +1 09/05 12:58
erick121: 第一時間也是以為是高通......... 09/05 23:02
hijklate: 嚇死人T.T 09/06 13:37
fewen: 5000萬鎂就做的出來? 09/07 00:35