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In October 2016, the company announced it had terminated its offer for KLA-Tencor amidst concerns that the deal would not meet regulatory approval from the U.S. Department of Justic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lam_Research 大家有什麼看法??? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1476086596.A.329.html
dos1019: Kla的員工普遍都蠻開心的 10/10 16:20
AKARA: 果然跟AMT一樣了 10/10 16:22
GiantChicken: 科科 10/10 16:28
yanki826: 美國司法部不同意啊 10/10 16:29
femlro: 我的看法是:GG繼續輪班 10/10 16:36
VortexSheet: 不EY 10/10 16:40
dontpushme: 炒作股票 10/10 16:47
k55623: 接下來看ASML跟HMI啊 10/10 16:59
j90206: 窩喔 10/10 19:13
stosto: 合不合併另外一回事啦,反正股票都買完了 10/10 19:19
sendtony6: 反正都是要去給gg公幹+輪姦,有差嗎 10/10 21:11
smartl: Lam股票漲破100鎂........ 10/11 06:03
outzumin: 第三季財報漂亮 減輕併購失敗的傷害 10/11 07:16
SCLEE5566: Lam Pa 10/11 16:37
meidong: 麥當勞會不會併肯德基 10/28 04:01