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連結: Researchers: Are we on the cusp of an ‘AI winter’? https://www.bbc.co .uk/news/technology-51064369 精華摘要: While AGI ( artificial general intelligence ) isn't going to be created any time soon, machines have learned how to master complex tasks like: ■ playing the ancient Chinese board game Go ■ identifying human faces ■ translating text into practically every language ■ spotting tumours ■ driving cars ■ identifying animals. "What we called 'AI' or 'machine learning' during the past 10-20 years, will b e seen as just yet another form of 'computation'". 心得: 機器智能可做的事情目前就那些,但很少媒體願意點出,讓產官學研陷入集體狂熱。這一 波過度渲染的技術與創業、就業熱潮逐漸要歸於平靜與原本該有的步調。原本就在這領域 深耕的人(同時也早就認知到still long way to go的人)還是在,但可預期的想進來炒 一波半路出家的創業、就業者又要淡出了)....一如之前的奈米、大數據、穿戴裝置、物 聯網、VRAR,因為出錢的沒看到短期內落地賺錢的可能,遲早要撤資去挖掘The Next Hyp e 也許是我觀點狹隘看的不夠遠不夠廣,歡迎交流討論。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1578875154.A.750.html
twflash: 實力才是賺錢的保證 01/13 08:39
lachtchlee: 跟屁蟲 永遠只能聞到臭味 01/13 09:05
accin: 海水退潮時 01/13 10:07
flysonics: 目前看起來 短期內也沒能炒的議題啊 01/13 10:32