推 jonaswang01: 超實用篇01/13 14:06
→ showbizz: wtf01/13 14:17
推 smallfatleg: Root cause, highlights, on drive01/13 14:29
推 g8peng: milf, blonde, public agent, fake taxi, leaked01/13 14:44
→ Dereck: 台積看世界?01/13 14:45
→ lp123gbaj: Fuck01/13 14:45
推 thankuloser: 推實用01/13 14:47
推 skyhome: 四樓那個怎麼怪怪的01/13 14:50
推 peter0928: fake taxi 跟櫃台聊天用的到01/13 14:57
→ anr2: fake taxi ???? 假的計程車?01/13 14:59
推 PureUtopian: 沒有con鳳,不及格01/13 15:07
→ NTU5566NTHU: 四樓老司機哦 #MILF01/13 15:13
推 yudofu: do you speak Chinese?01/13 15:28
推 s110269: vendor01/13 15:33
推 zon200493: lee gong sha hui01/13 15:40
推 soco: hold for PE handle01/13 15:40
→ bluesapphire: add xx to mail loop01/13 15:42
→ bluesapphire: cc xxxx01/13 15:42
推 bnd0327: Track 弟兄齁01/13 15:42
推 s87879961: mei sho gan mo01/13 16:00
推 mirima1224: 四樓的喜好一覽無遺 01/13 16:03
推 mankaro: 感謝分享01/13 16:08
噓 pttnews: 用簡寫你遜爆了01/13 16:15
推 yai5217: NSFW01/13 16:19
推 summersay: CL/ML/SL Spec, FDC hold, MO..01/13 16:21
推 summersay: 每條交接都寫:Wait tool clean(ya)01/13 16:23
推 KMTATM: old driver01/13 16:34
推 sugoi5566: deepfake01/13 16:40
→ blackwesley: vendor?01/13 16:42
推 EeePC901: 沒有砍鳳失敗...01/13 16:46
推 maikxz: stars ssni ipx01/13 16:59
推 accin: FYI01/13 17:00
→ lp123gbaj: xvideo pornhub avgle01/13 17:02
→ wondtty: 搭柏砍鳳01/13 17:10
→ Lelol: 不教蘇趴怎麼玩術士 還發廢文?01/13 17:17
※ 編輯: AJAPPLE ( 臺灣), 01/13/2020 17:54:00
推 Asahina: Best Regards, sincerely 01/13 18:02
推 furnaceh: 你真行 01/13 18:03
→ REMEMBERYAU: 總total 01/13 18:09
推 canson: 多益500就够了。 01/13 18:16
推 jjrdk: 你Clean track的齁 01/13 19:21
→ allenxxx: 挖你英文程度好高哦 01/13 19:25
噓 final01: AVL tree??那磨深奧 01/13 19:31
推 troy911: Replace xxx, Leak check, dummy cycle 01/13 19:33
推 vincent81823: POR CIP 01/13 19:34
噓 t19960804: avgle一堆廣告== 01/13 19:41
推 mscmobitai: By pass 01/13 20:24
推 erial: 特定製程的縮寫甚至只有自己公司不的東西 拿出來幹嘛 01/13 20:34
→ cha122977: 我好慘,完全看不懂… 01/13 21:05
噓 TCross2: 幹還有什麼w/ w/o,破英文回家好好唸書很困難嗎 01/13 21:16
推 pttnowash: May show gun more? Boss cry father again 01/13 21:17
推 fegat: TKS Bro 01/13 21:23
→ onthesea: w/ and w/o 很常見啊 01/13 21:36
推 twVent: 四樓的英文實用推 01/13 22:00
推 physicsdk: w/ w/o縮寫沒什麼問題啊,不想打很多字的時候用還好吧 01/13 22:26
推 jonaswang01: 整篇超實用 01/13 23:28
推 benting: 實用,要m 01/13 23:37
推 wahaha23: 四樓老司機 01/13 23:54
推 noise5566: 4樓的比較常用 01/14 00:00
推 xcri0922: 實用推。 01/14 00:53
推 Rocker5566: creampie facial 01/14 00:59
推 aaa40303: w/ w/o老美也在用啦 叫他回去讀什麼?中文? 01/14 01:19
推 nimo30513: 莫名開車啦四樓 01/14 03:05
推 POCARI5566: 我懷疑有人開車 01/14 07:28
推 mathrew: w/o 很多在用啦 01/14 07:31
噓 Jefferay: fire 夾 這是否誰的? 01/14 07:36
→ birdlover: stranded teens 01/14 08:42
推 ddiuyxx: Track弟兄好 01/14 10:26
推 popxx123: dear sir 01/14 13:34
推 jim543000: 這篇不實用 拿去給其他媽久最少三成不知道要幹嘛 01/14 19:12
→ sjr500: 4f,那個是司機業吧XD 01/15 11:01
噓 mark333: metrology吧... 01/15 14:56