看板 Tech_Job 關於我們 聯絡資訊
各位好 在104和GG官網上看到這個職缺 但好像找不太到近幾年的資料 所以想請問版上有沒有前輩比較懂這職位在幹嘛的 附上104的連結:https://www.104.com.tw/job/79wur Job Description Your main responsibilities include, but are not limited to: 1. Lead/coordinate cross functional to achieve supply chain excellence. 2. Initiate and implement continuous logistics and warehouse process improvement project/task. 3. Study and introduce leading-edge logistics/warehouse automation, including H/W & S/W(e.g. ASRS, AGV, Robot, B2B data flow, RPA…) Please refer to TSMC CSR: https://csr.tsmc.com/csr/ch/update/inclusiveWorkplace/caseStudy/21/index.html 4. Lead teammates and collaborate with suppliers to achieve supply chain excellence in materials preparation. Education & Skills 1. BS/MA of Supply Chain, Logistics & Transportation Management, Statistics, IE and related fields. 2. Fluent in spoken and written languages skills for both Chinese and English. 3. Strong negotiation skills and ability to lead cross functional projects. 4. Experience in AMHS/ASRS equipment design or mechanical/electrical integration is a plus 5. Familiarity with development of C#, C/C++ or JAVA Programming, and Python, SQL database programming is a plus. 希望各位大大指點,謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1620480593.A.DB2.html
Sheamus: 祖墳 樓下接 05/08 21:32
Skydier: 炸裂05/08 21:33
※ 編輯: imperator999 ( 臺灣), 05/08/2021 21:35:09
claymath: 貓眼 05/08 21:35
KFC007: 顧夾娃娃機的05/08 21:41
amazingwow: 真的冒青煙05/08 21:41
moonth66: 煙很香!05/08 21:45
ijk1: 有面試邀請再說05/08 22:20
er2: 祖墳發爐 05/08 22:30
JustWinslow: 祖墳挖到兵馬俑05/08 23:02
rdjs: 系辦冒青煙 05/08 23:10
Howlongbin: 祖墳噴鑽石 05/08 23:42
aaa790311: 你如果不是supply chain相關的當然會不知道 也不用想了 05/09 08:50
aaa790311: 啦= =05/09 08:50
Mudders: 內容寫的很清楚 如果不知道在幹嘛 去面試應該也難上吧XD 05/09 10:04
其實有收到面試通知 所以才想說各位前輩有沒有什麼想法 不然面試真的很怕 ※ 編輯: imperator999 ( 臺灣), 05/09/2021 13:45:51
leowen520: 採購缺,只是最近希望有coding能力的人來 05/09 18:01
j5924524: PC下面管庫房的 05/09 23:08
sc1 : 驗證robot AGV MES企業雲端外包應用氣氛好 01/25 13:05