看板 Tech_Job 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Dell 目前在找一個 Power 的 Design GCM,在Dell的Power (adaptor/PSU) 採購TEAM, 希望有在電源廠 (光寶, 台達電, 群光, 康舒, 航嘉) 的工程師或是PM的工作經驗, 或是 在 硬體廠擔任 Power (Adaptor, PSU) 相關工程師, PM或採購的經驗 資深經驗的薪資可參考以下連結 https://reurl.cc/XeOvXM 有興趣的請寄英文履歷到 [email protected] Adaptor and PSU (Power Supply Unit) Design Global Commodity Management Sr. Adv isor Join us to do the best work of your career and make a profound social impact a s a Design GCM on our Procurement team in Taipei What you’ll achieve As a Design GCM, you will be responsible for driving design initiatives and en suring it goes through the different incubation phases before transferring ove r to sustaining GCM team. You will be exposed to leading technology adoption a cross the different Dell LOBs. You will: - Manage cost bridging from successor to predecessor products - Manage complexity of the commodity by driving DTL initiatives - Manage stakeholders to achievement alignment on solutions - Drive incubation of key technologies through the critical phases - Drive IC solution for the products Essential Requirements - Technical experience in IT industry - Cross-functional engagement experience - 8+ years of procurement/Project management experience. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1621791337.A.DB5.html ※ 編輯: freshhan ( 臺灣), 05/24/2021 01:37:54
sc1: 投女角跟男角CV分別試試 05/24 08:49
z1976: 樓上... 05/24 11:27
claymath: 一樓是有八卦嗎? 05/24 12:03
zzzz8931: 1F? 05/24 13:29
catslave6: 一樓?? 05/24 14:18
Celesite: 推學長 05/24 16:18
playkkk: 有啥好意外的,現在哪家美商不搞性別多元化,女生率取 05/24 17:45
playkkk: 比例就是比較高阿 05/24 17:45
h816090: 進去敦化南看看就知了 05/24 20:10