看板 Tennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
是說最近流行復出嗎XD 繼Andy Roddick之說要復出打雙打後, 另一位發球大炮澳洲的Mark Philippoussis也宣佈以38歲高齡復出單打比賽。 (年輕一輩的球迷大概不知道他是誰了) 他在下月的Hall of Fame巡迴賽將持外卡參加單打會外賽, 他生涯最後一座單打冠軍就是2006年在這個比賽取得。 他生涯拿下11座單打冠軍,並在98年美網和03年溫網取得亞軍, 後來因膝傷退役,這幾年偶爾會在元老組比賽插花。 他暫時好像還沒宣佈是否全面復出。 Philippoussis poised for tennis comeback Australian two-time grand-slam finalist Mark Philippoussis plans to make his return to the ATP Tour as a wildcard entry in the qualifying draw for next month's Hall of Fame championship. The Aussie, who once boasted one of the hardest serves in world tennis, has been out of the game for almost a decade. The 38-year-old, born in Melbourne, will make his comeback on July 11 when qualifying begins, organisers announced on Friday. The main draw begins two days later. His last career title came in 2006 when he defeated Justin Gimelstob in the final of the Newport tournament. He retired that year. Philippoussis won 11 career titles, reached a career-high ranking of world No.8 and earned almost $US7 million ($A9 million) in prize money since turning pro in 1994. At one time or another, he defeated most of the game's top players in his era. He also made the finals at Wimbledon in 2003 and the 1998 US Open. His biggest singles title was at Indian Wells and he helped Australia capture two Davis Cup crowns. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1435499361.A.48A.html
kshtainan: 費拔的第一座大滿貫對手 06/28 22:10
clifflee: 根據wiki,Philippoussis應該是很缺錢…… 06/28 22:16
henin2003: 我還記得他在美網那個扣殺腳踝落的恐怖畫面.... 06/28 22:27
henin2003: 到現在回想起來就恐怖.... 06/28 22:27
a9a99: 菲利浦西斯?不會吧? 06/28 22:29
simonown: 今年澳網他已經在打Legend double了XD 但發球還是很猛 06/28 22:40
allizon: 99年Sampras碰到他差點輸掉,後來他自己因傷退賽 06/28 22:49
JuiFu617: 38歲打三盤勉強可以 06/28 23:01
san122: 去看了wiki,好慘,應該是金融海嘯時身家整個賠光光還負債 06/29 00:19
nicholasJCF: 現在發球一樣可怕 但底線要跟現今職業球員比拼有點 06/29 00:20
nicholasJCF: 吃力 06/29 00:20
san122: 不過真缺錢怎會拖到這時才復出?打比賽沒晉級也拿不到錢啊~ 06/29 00:20
wuliaude: 以前覺得他好帥 :P 但現在應該是阿伯了吧.. 06/29 01:31
rainww25: 不會喔他保養地很好 而且是沒禿頭的體質 06/29 04:26
clifflee: 賺名聲跟代言吧,他去年底有打超級聯賽,比較其實不錯 06/29 07:40
a9a99: 常常出場比賽就會有代言機會了 06/29 13:03
micbrimac: 這年紀還有代言機會? 06/29 15:16
poorbrain: 我就是從他跟費拔打溫網那年開始看球的...哈哈 06/29 16:06
alterme: 代言沒在分年紀吧 很多產品可以代言阿~ 06/29 17:02
eno03: 巨砲 蠻帥的 06/30 07:24
tsai18: 以前澳洲雙帥 Rafter跟他 06/30 15:24