看板 Tennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
要去開刀了,積分將大扣, Aga或磨菇任一將有機會重回(或新登)世界第二。 祝福Halep手術成功,早日重回球場。 (以下重點簡譯) It comes with great sadness that I'm announcing that I will need to miss our upcoming Fed Cup tie next week, as I will be undergoing surgery this week. Representing my country is very important to me and I'm extremely disappointed that I won't be able to be with my team in Cluj. 這禮拜將動手術,無法打下下禮拜的聯邦杯。 代表國家隊對我來說相當重要所以我感到很失望。 The last 6 weeks have been extremely difficult for me, as I've been dealing with infections in my stomach, nose and ear. This has been one of my most frustrating periods, as I've not been able to train or stay healthy even though I've constantly been on antibiotics to help clear the infections. 這一個半月來一直在用抗生素對抗胃部、鼻子、耳朵的感染。 是我最艱難的時期之一,一直無法好好訓練與保持健康。 (沒有清楚說明什麼病) I gave it my best shot in Australia but, with the infections still in my body, unfortunately I made things worse, as I pushed myself to compete and fight in a Grand Slam. 這段時間試圖在澳洲努力打出水準, 但感染沒有痊癒就參加澳網,反而讓情況變得更嚴重。 Under doctors advice, I will undergo surgery to fix the on-going problem with my nose - and I've been advised that this is my best option and success is highly likely. 於是接受醫生建議動鼻子手術(鼻竇炎?) 這是最佳選擇,成功機率也很高。 I had also planned on competing in Dubai and Doha starting on February 15, but I will also be withdrawing from those events under doctors advice, to give myself the best chance of recovering back to full health. 原本計畫二月份會打杜拜與杜哈,但因手術關係, 加上醫生建議等完全康復後再復出,於是只好退賽。 I'm hopeful that I will have recovered in time to have a chance to defend my title in Indian Wells, but I will take it slowly and make sure that I am back to full health before resuming training and competition. 希望來得及趕上印地安泉的衛冕,但我仍會慢慢等到身體完全痊癒後, 再開始訓練與參加比賽。 Most importantly, I hope to be healthy enough to travel to Cluj to support my teammates as we take on the Czech Republic and I wish the team the very best of luck. 最重要的,我希望能夠親赴克盧日為我們隊伍加油, (聯邦杯將對上衛冕冠軍捷克,羅馬尼亞主場) 祝大家好運! Thank you for all of your constant support and I will miss you all over the next few weeks. I will have the surgery, rest, recover and then train hard with my team to come back stronger for the future. It is a long year and this is just a little bump in the road. See you soon. 感謝粉絲的持續支持,等動完手術、好好休息, 康復後就會迅速回到球場上與團隊練習, 期許未來自己可以變得更強大。 消息來源:Simona Halep臉書專頁 如果真的印第安泉都趕不上的話,Halep將會被大扣1400多分。 不過健康還是最重要,畢竟保持健康才能走的長遠,反正還算年輕。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1453627566.A.365.html
jpopgirl: HALEP QQ 01/24 17:27
Bassy: QQ 01/24 17:46
hitoma: 看來是鼻竇炎的手術沒錯,不過胃部的感染是 @@ 01/24 17:49
hitoma: 胃潰瘍嗎? 01/24 17:49
edhuang: 啊啊啊QQQ 01/24 18:54
ShaneC1996: 看來小威球后的寶座又暫時沒威脅了 01/24 19:07
Joybena: 可憐的哈妹... 01/24 19:26
steedptt: 不~~~~~希望早日康復回巔峰 01/24 19:35
rainww25: 好特別 竟然是鼻子的問題 01/24 20:16