看板 Tennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
ATP宣布將在11月的米蘭NextGen(U21)總決賽中嘗試幾項創新規則: - Shorter Format: First to Four games sets (Tie-Break at 3-All), Best-of-Five sets, with No-Ad scoring ‧ Shorter set format designed to increase number of pivotal moments in a match, while the best-of-five set format does not alter the number of games required to win a match (12) from the traditional scoring format. No-Ad scoring will be played (receiver’s choice). 一盤改成四局,3:3的時候搶四,打五盤三勝制,取消Ad分 (蛤?) - Shorter Warm-Up ‧ Matches will begin precisely 5 minutes from the second player walk-on, leading to a reduction in down time before the beginning of matches. 縮短熱身時間,比賽將會在第二位球員進場後五分鐘準時開打 - Shot Clock ‧ A shot clock will be used in between points to ensure strict regulation of the 25-second rule, as well as during set breaks, Medical Time-Outs, and the five-minute countdown from the player walk-on to the first point of the match. 嚴格執行發球25秒,以及其他局間休息時間倒數 - No-Let Rule ‧ The No-Let rule will apply to serves, bringing in an additional element of unpredictability at the start of points. ‧ This rule will also remove any ambiguity over let calling from umpires, ensuring the rule is consistent with normal ‘let’ occurrences during regular point exchanges. 取消發球觸網(let)規則 - Medical Time-Outs ‧ A limit of 1 medical time out per player per match. 限制傷停次數 - Player Coaching ‧ Players and coaches will be able to communicate at certain points in the match (to be determined), providing additional content and entertainment value for broadcast. Coaches will not be allowed on-court. 開放教練在特定時間點的場中指導 (學WTA的?) 據ATP的說法,這些規則嘗試是想要創造快節奏且對電視觀眾友善的比賽,進而吸引新 的收視群。這些規則暫時不會引入ATP Tour中的正規比賽。 ref: https://goo.gl/fC3r81 -- HEY~~~HEY~~~CHAAAAARLIE~!   。。。。。 ⊙ . ▼▼▼▼ \▲▲▲▲ φ . \ . δ ./ㄨ \\/ˊ▄▄ \|/ㄑ ( ︶ ˋ\///\/. by Armour@joke -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1494954030.A.2F3.html ※ 編輯: whalelover (, 05/17/2017 01:01:26
larrytaurus: WTT 05/17 01:01
noahlin: 取消發球觸網...這樣好嗎 05/17 01:05
noahlin: 乾脆取消二發好了 最花時間的其實就是一發二發 05/17 01:06
dyolf: 除了25秒 其他不覺得有改的必要 05/17 01:09
WhiteBeard: 改成各發一球決勝負好了 05/17 01:11
WhiteBeard: 87 05/17 01:11
noahlin: 限制傷停也蠻有道理的 不然乾脆傷停+暫停固定次數看選手 05/17 01:13
clifflee: 取消ad分應該就是指deciding point制吧 05/17 01:15
clifflee: 除了傷停和教練,多是IPTL執行過的規則,其實沒不好 05/17 01:16
larrytaurus: 對阿 05/17 01:17
clifflee: NextGen不知有無像年終賽那樣給積分?沒的話就沒差了 05/17 01:19
larrytaurus: 似乎沒積分喔 趣味性質應該較多 05/17 01:19
whalelover: 最新消息:莎娃沒拿到法網會內外卡 05/17 01:26
larrytaurus: 連會外都沒有 XD 05/17 01:27
leetaka: 原文還有觀眾管制放寬 除近底線座位 要讓觀眾能任意出入 05/17 02:09
lane34: 這些規則適用表演賽 正規賽會讓比賽無趣 05/17 05:35
lalamaru: 發球觸網取消@@~不好吧!!???!?!?! 05/17 08:04
grafan: 完全智障的改制 05/17 08:40
micbrimac: 希望快節奏 怎麼會加教練... 05/17 08:59
kendan88: 反正就是耍花招順便做實驗,大家反應也不必這麼大...... 05/17 09:03
marr: 感覺比賽變得比較不緊張跟精彩 05/17 10:19
chuliu: 原來是u21還以爲是真的年終 05/17 11:20
akuei26: no ad 太智障了 05/17 12:27
b99202071: 啊不是說是為了省時間才改規則 最後一項是會浪費時間的 05/17 12:53
b99202071: 吧? 05/17 12:53
windsson: 好蠢XD 05/17 16:26