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新聞來源 BBC NEWS http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-40452270 簡單翻譯 大威涉入一起導致一名老翁死亡的車禍案件 根據TMZ爆料 警方認為大威涉嫌有肇事責任 大威的律師則稱僅是一起意外事故 個人感想 可能大小威同時缺席本屆Wimbledon了QQ [修正/補充] 賽會官網昨天刊登大威的練習照 看起來應該還是會參賽? US tennis star Venus Williams has been involved in a car crash that led to the death of a 78-year-old man. A spokesman for Palm Beach Gardens police in Florida confirmed to the BBC they were investigating a fatal crash involving the Grand Slam champion. A man was taken to hospital after the accident on 9 June and died two weeks later from his injuries, he said. According to TMZ, which broke the story, police believe she was at fault but her lawyer says it was an accident. The man who died, Jerome Barson, was travelling with his wife who was driving their vehicle through an intersection when the collision happened. Ms Williams' car suddenly darted into their path and was unable to clear the junction in time due to traffic jams, according to witness statements in a police report obtained by US media. Mrs Barson was also taken to hospital but survived. "[Ms Williams] is at fault for violating the right of way of [the other driver]," the report said, adding that there were no other factors like drugs, alcohol or mobile phone distractions. The 37-year-old, seven-time Grand Slam champion reportedly told police she did not see the couple's car and she was driving slowly. Ms Williams' lawyer Malcolm Cunningham told CNN in a statement: "Ms Williams entered the intersection on a green light. The police report estimates that Ms Williams was travelling at 5mph when Mrs Barson crashed into her. "Authorities did not issue Ms Williams with any citations or traffic violations. This is an unfortunate accident and Venus expresses her deepest condolences to the family who lost a loved one." Next week, Ms Williams is due to play her 20th Wimbledon tournament in London, where she is seeded 10th. Ms Williams and her sister Serena have dominated the women's game for two decades. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1498791956.A.478.html
luke200224: ....不要QQ 06/30 11:08
Gininderrr: 什麼!!!!!!!!!! 06/30 11:14
iamshana: ... 06/30 11:16
deehsu: 不過目前警方經過調查之後,暫時沒有證據顯示大威在當時是 06/30 11:17
deehsu: 酒駕又或者有其他因素影響駕駛,也沒有使用電子設備的情況 06/30 11:18
是的 目前初判未有酒駕/藥物/使用手機等造成分心的因素 根據目擊者證詞疑似搶快/搶道/侵犯路權
tommy920150: 還以為是大威... 06/30 11:18
不好意思 我也覺得標題翻譯不夠好容易引起誤會 但一時想不到更好的說法^^"
deehsu: 是對方78歲的老翁死掉,然後對方太太骨折送醫 06/30 11:19
deehsu: 希望不會對大威有什麼影響~真的開車都得小心..... 06/30 11:19
windsson: 9號到現在也一段時間了~應該不會不參賽吧 06/30 11:42
退出的猜測可能是我自己嚇自己太緊張了 TMZ的更新報導取得大威的回應 她仍堅稱自己駛入十字路口時是綠燈狀態 並對這起事故中的罹難者致意
HsiangFly: RIP... 06/30 11:45
deehsu: 有時在美國開車,如果在通過路口前方又塞車不確定是不是可 06/30 12:10
deehsu: 以通過的情況下,可以先在路口前先停下來等到的,真還有時 06/30 12:11
deehsu: 間,等前面塞車都通過,再前進都可以的,不然如果來不及通 06/30 12:12
deehsu: 過停在十字路口中間,就算違規了這樣;但是另一邊啟動時也 06/30 12:12
deehsu: 是得看一下原先路口的車輛是不是都通過了,也不用那麼急著 06/30 12:13
deehsu: 往前行駛,後方駕駛者也不會因此按你喇叭的;分享一下多年 06/30 12:14
deehsu: 在加州車爆多的情況下開車的小經驗;真的不僅僅自己開車要 06/30 12:14
deehsu: 注意,更是要注意別人的... 06/30 12:15
SamSmith: 若沒有以過失殺人被起訴,沒有理由不准她離境 06/30 12:27
是我太緊張了^^" 剛去官網確認還看到大威昨天在wimbledon趴趴走的照片 而且今天晚點馬上就要抽籤了 大威應該不會做出臨時退出讓後面女單種子序都要遞補這種麻煩賽會的事 ※ 編輯: dragonfox (, 06/30/2017 12:34:27
SamSmith: TMZ總是誇張,唯恐天下不亂。大威車被撞,為何對方乘客 06/30 12:38
SamSmith: 反而死亡?裡面應該有一些內情,例如沒繫安全帶,或可 06/30 12:38
SamSmith: 能對方超速,撞擊後才會傷那麼重。 06/30 12:38
dragonfox: https://goo.gl/DCo1u7 推測大威時速才5 mile 06/30 12:43
ladyluck: 呃,我十一年前在staple center被他們姐妹超過車 06/30 13:21
ladyluck: 大家要看NBA球賽塞車魚貫排隊等進停車場,看到後面一台 06/30 13:26
ladyluck: 超跑一路鑽開得超猛,車裏兩個穿得很亮眼的非裔女孩, 06/30 13:26
ladyluck: 到了球館,攝影機拍到坐場邊的她們,原來是大小威。 06/30 13:27
calculus9: ??? 06/30 14:36
sc321: 78歲隨便碰一下都有可能死掉好嗎 07/03 11:00