看板 Tennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
天阿!!我實在無法相信這則新聞是真的... 剛才在臉書看到WTA專頁貼了她當年贏得溫網的照片時, 還在想怎麼是現在回顧溫網冠軍呢,結果... 没想到原來她近年與癌魔搏鬥,最終今天在捷克家裡離世,得年49歲。 她職網生涯共贏得24座女單冠軍,最重要的一座當然是1998年溫網, 她最有名一役(也是被衛視重播到爛)的是1993年溫網女單決賽, 在第三盤領先Graf 4-1 40-30時崩盤連輸五局, 結局在頒獎禮上哭倒在頒獎人肯特公爵夫人的肩膀, 而終於在她第三次闖進溫網決賽後,從肯特公爵夫人手上拿下獎盆, 成為當年首次拿下大滿貫年紀最大的女球員, 並在同年上升至生涯排名新高第二位。 另外以發球上網打法知名的她在雙打也表現出色, 摘下過12座女雙和4座混雙大滿貫冠軍,位居過女雙球后67週。 她在2005年入圍名人堂。 她退役後頗活躍參加大滿貫元老賽雙打,也曾經多次贏得溫網元老賽冠軍, 另外後來亦轉投教練工作,在2013年曾執教天才莉莉, 最後一次在網球場出現是在2016年溫網的雙打元老賽。 願她一路好走。 Tennis world mourns the passing of Jana Novotna It is with deep sadness that the WTA announces the passing on Sunday, November 19, of Jana Novotna, the former WTA World No.1 doubles and No.2 singles champion. After a long battle with cancer, Jana died peacefully, surrounded by her family in her native Czech Republic, aged 49. Known for her brilliant, athletic game, Novotna won 24 WTA singles titles in 14 years on the professional women’s circuit, along with 76 doubles titles. Having reached the Wimbledon singles final twice previously, she famously defeated the Frenchwoman Nathalie Tauziat to win the title in 1998. Altogether, she won 17 Grand Slam titles, including 12 in doubles and four in mixed doubles. She was a three-time Olympic medalist and a member of her country’s victorious Fed Cup championship team in 1988. Inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 2005, her career successes made Jana Novotna an inspiration to those who knew her and to many up and coming WTA players on the professional women’s tennis circuit. In more recent years, she made the transition into professional coaching. Steve Simon, WTA CEO, said: "Jana was an inspiration both on and off court to anyone who had the opportunity to know her. Her star will always shine brightly in the history of the WTA. Our condolences and our thoughts are with Jana’s family." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1511169593.A.A14.html
leetaka: 跟前言同樣 shock.. 11/20 17:20
ysh: 同時間看到!R.I.P 11/20 17:23
simoncooper: What!!!?!??怎麼會!!! 11/20 17:24
lion7683: R.I.P 11/20 17:25
yevvi: 太扯了,曼莉可娃要哭了 11/20 17:28
Gininderrr: Rest in peace 11/20 17:33
Surface3: R.I.P. 11/20 17:33
greedxu3: R.I.P 11/20 17:39
jack7775kimo: R. I. P. 太震驚 11/20 17:47
※ 編輯: erickin (, 11/20/2017 17:54:49
hayate1143: R.I.P. 11/20 17:54
sleeeve: R.I.P 11/20 17:55
creation09: R. I. P 剛剛看到也是好驚訝 QQ 11/20 18:15
radiwei: 天啊!不要! 11/20 18:19
solemnity: R.I.P. QQ 11/20 18:23
garlic1234: ....R.I.P 11/20 18:25
okk: R.I.P 唉。怎麼會 11/20 18:27
carusochu: R.I.P. 11/20 18:31
vicario837: 太震驚了 在 WTA FB 看到 11/20 18:34
GMA: 太震驚!一代名將... 11/20 18:41
st442222: 超級震驚,他一直都很活躍呀......... 11/20 18:57
iamthebest08: R.I.P.... 11/20 19:02
san122: 天啊!當年最支持最期待拿大滿貫的選手,怎麼這麼突然 11/20 19:05
gitans: 好震驚的消息,一路好走,不再有病痛! 11/20 19:14
snailly: R.I.P. 11/20 19:22
Architect: 太震驚了!!! 11/20 20:07
dill23152002: I am shocked!!!! RIP 11/20 20:09
santoro: RIP 還好她最後有拿到溫網 11/20 20:22
apinilan: 哭倒在肯特公爵夫人懷裡的畫面記憶猶新啊! 11/20 20:25
casualk: R.I.P 11/20 20:30
seven711: R.I.P 11/20 20:34
hanne: R.I.P. 11/20 20:49
rainww25: 我的天呀 我不敢相信! 11/20 21:03
lazyguy0213: R.I.P. 11/20 21:03
rainww25: 98年的勵志奪冠好像才昨天呀! 11/20 21:06
holyg123: R.I.P QQ 11/20 21:38
galway: R.I.P 11/20 22:07
casman: 好年輕, 49歲... 11/20 22:18
krajicek: R.I.P. 11/20 22:41
pppeeeppp: 震驚+1 11/20 22:49
beartsubaki: R.I.P. 11/20 23:06
nacciabe: R.I.P. 11/20 23:13
kshtainan: R.I.P. 11/20 23:17
casman: R.I.P... 11/20 23:21
kyleyu: R.I.P 11/20 23:33
Jo: R.I.P, 真的還很年輕就走了 11/20 23:36
migi33: OH MY GOD 這麼年輕...T_T 11/21 00:04
jerry1528: R.I.P. 11/21 00:22
kvhiucn: R.I.P. 11/21 00:40
Joybena: R.I.P. 11/21 01:42
deehsu: 她也是好棒的球員!哭倒那幕同樣記憶猶新. :( R.I.P... 11/21 01:51
lightpisces: R.I.P. 11/21 04:30
finzaghi: R.I.P. 11/21 05:18
a9a99: 哇... 11/21 06:34
kaihsieh: R.I.P 11/21 07:53
weilai: R.I.P. 11/21 08:55
DreamerSun: R.I.P 11/21 08:57
ibook0102: R.I.P. 11/21 09:39
jerry0913112: R.I.P. 11/21 10:34
k51275127: R.I.P 11/21 11:04
iamshana: R.I.P 11/21 11:10
andy731206: 有看過他打球的英姿!!!R.I.P. 11/21 17:23
roveralex: R.I.P 想起許乃仁常提到93溫布頓決賽 11/21 18:16
MikaHakkinen: R.I.P. 11/21 22:16
egg0815: R.I.P 11/22 00:23
slow: 難過 11/22 01:20
ArtisChz: R.I.P 11/22 01:42
aron010515: R.I.P 11/22 12:53
dannyace: 每次溫網都會看到1993的決賽賽後哭倒的畫面 1998年奪冠 11/22 23:22
dannyace: 超勵志 RIP 11/22 23:22