看板 Tennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
轉貼自運動視界 在此整理了Federer十大奪冠金句,也算是回顧了他這20冠、長達15年的旅程。 10: 2017澳網: When you win down here, the journey home is not a problem. When you lose, it's just brutal。當你在這南半球贏球時,回家的旅程不是問題。當你輸了 ,就很殘忍。(從澳洲到歐洲是不是要飛20小時啊) 9: 2003溫網: ''Oh, this is, you know, just one of his seven; I'm so far away,'' Federer said of Sampras. ''I'm just happy to be on the board. It's so nice if I look at all the players who have won here. A lot have been idols to me. " 你知道的,這只是一個,他(山普拉斯)有7個。我只是很快樂能夠被列在奪冠名單 上。看著這些奪冠選手真好。很多都是我的偶像。 8: 2004溫網: ''I've cried a few times on big occasions,'' Federer said. ''Somehow in the first moment, I don't think I will, but then I just can't keep it like this. This tournament means so much to me.'' 我在大場合哭了幾次, 其實一開始我不覺得會,但之後我就沒辦法了,這個比賽對我太重要 7: 2006溫網: "I won't get bored so quickly," Federer said. "So I'm sorry." 我 不會那麼快覺得無聊,所以不好意思囉! (溫網落敗後,Roddick說希望Federer趕快覺得 網球無聊,去做別的事) 6: 2007法網(雖未奪冠但還是列入): "It's a shame, but I think I came closer to winning last year. This year I was always behind and it was never easy," said Federer. "It's not the last time I will play here and I will try all I can to win next year. 很可惜,但我覺得去年我差一點就贏了。今年我一路落後,有夠辛苦。 這不是我最後一次在這打,明年我會盡全力奪冠。 5: 2008美網: "I'm not gonna stay at 13," Federer said afterward. "That would be terrible." 我不會只停留在13,那就太慘了。 4: 2009法網: "It's been a fantastic day - to get the elusive French title in the end was unbelievable. I always believed I was good enough to get it - but holding the trophy, after all I've been through was just unbelievable. I'm so proud right now you can't believe it. 真是美好的一天,最後能得到最難的法網真是 不可思議。我一直認為我夠格,但是經過所有之後,終於抱著獎盃,真是不可思議。我現 在很自豪,你們不會相信。 "For me there was never a question whether I was going to retire. I worked extremely hard in the off season. Losing semifinals and finals all of a sudden wasn't good enough for people anymore. But this victory is timely because I've proved many people wrong."對我來說,何時退休從來不是問題。我在休 賽季超級努力的練球。在準決賽或是決賽一下就輸球對球迷來說都不是好表現。但這次勝 利非常及時因為我證明很多人是錯的。 3: 2009澳網(痛哭輸球還是列入): "I fought hard and I think I played well. I just wish my serve had been better." "I played a - terrible fifth set," Federer admitted, "and kind of handed it to him. But look, I love this game. It means the world to me, so it hurts when you lose. And it hurts even more if you are this close to victory, like at Wimbledon."我努力戰鬥,而我想我也打得不錯。只希望發球能發 的更好。第五盤我打得很爛,像是把勝利送給他。但是你看,我愛網球,這是我世界的全 部。所以輸球時很痛。當你與勝利只差一點時更痛,就像去年溫網。 2: 2012溫網: “This year I guess I decided in the bigger matches to take it more to my opponent instead of waiting a bit more for the mistakes,” Federer said after the final. “Yeah, this is I guess how you want to win Wimbledon, is by going after your shots, believing you can do it, and that’s what I was able to do today.” 今年我決定要打得更積極,而不是等待對手失誤。對,這就是你要 贏溫布頓的方法,就是以進攻贏球,相信你能做到,這就是我今天做的。 1: 2004 澳網: "What a great start to the year for me, to win the Australian Open and become No. 1 in the world," the 22-year-old Swiss star said. "To fulfill my dreams, it really means very much to me." 今年一開始就好棒,贏得澳 網冠軍成為世界第一,完成我的夢想,對我來說太有意義了。 同年Safin澳網神預言: "There are a lot of young and very good players," said Safin. "We'll be famous in five years. It will be like Agassi, Sampras and McEnroe. It's the evolution of tennis." 現在有很多年輕的好球員,我們5年內就會 很有名,會像是阿格西,山普拉斯,還有約翰麥肯羅,是網球的革命。 特別加映: 2006美網: 阿格西說: "Roger is the best I've ever played against," Agassi said. There's nowhere to go. Roger makes you play on the edge. You need to play the craziest tennis you've ever played." 他是我打過最好的球員,你的球沒地 方可打,他讓你在無處可退之處打球,你必須打出你打過最瘋狂的網球。 原網址: https://goo.gl/W1ucTi -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1517211869.A.850.html ※ 編輯: vincentgotu (, 01/29/2018 15:46:28
EQUP: It's killing me 01/29 15:55
t13: 一樓別這樣~ 01/29 16:17
h2hinf: 一樓才昰NO 1 01/29 16:21
mess: 一樓的真的很經典,如果去跟那天的Roger說 你還會拿七個GS 01/29 16:32
mess: 不知道他會不會相信? 01/29 16:33
reincarnate: 一樓真的很痛那時候 01/29 16:35
starxls: 一樓那個真的NO.1 01/29 16:46
beastlcc12: 為什麼那次他會這麼難過R? 01/29 17:08
easytry: 一樓那句也是killing us QQ 01/29 17:08
ibook0102: 一樓的是2009年澳網金句,beastlcc12大可以去看影片 01/29 17:11
kevinduh4: QQ 01/29 17:13
mattch: 我覺得他是被觀眾弄哭的,因為場邊觀眾在他發言前一直狂 01/29 17:16
mattch: 喊愛他之類的話 01/29 17:16
SamFuld: 那時候,連續輸給Nadal,就有一種真的打不贏的感覺... 01/29 17:23
blarc: 看了真的讓人心酸酸 QQ 01/29 17:26
windphilip: 他會那麼難過其實跟08年的狀況有點關係。08年前三個大 01/29 17:44
windphilip: 滿貫都輸掉,法溫還是在決賽,同年只拿了個美網,也是 01/29 17:45
windphilip: 生涯第13座。09澳網他有相當的機會可以追平Sampras的 01/29 17:45
windphilip: 14座紀錄。他知道當時的觀眾都滿期待這件事,壓力很大 01/29 17:47
davis65391: 走出2008的病痛(加上溫網的失利),他真的想在2009 01/29 17:52
davis65391: 的起頭證明那個曾經世界第一的他又回來了吧!尤其當 01/29 17:52
davis65391: 對手又是Nadal時,他更顯的在意 01/29 17:52
SamFuld: 只能說,Federer的比賽還是少不了Nadal.. 01/29 18:05
SamFuld: 有贏Nadal的GS,才比較有意義(對我來說) XD 01/29 18:05
sinben: 1F永生難忘經典大金句 01/29 18:07
jcsean: 09澳網真的很好看 01/29 18:11
jiunyug: 推一樓經典QQ 01/29 18:30
jk55688: There’s no finish line. Far from done 01/29 18:32
edhuang: 一樓完全忘不了 01/29 18:46
sonesnsdsosi: 納豆長髮好帥~ 那頭靠頭也很經典 01/29 18:50
jamescyt: God! It,s killing me. 01/29 18:53
pukai: 乾 那場真的跟著哭 01/29 18:58
wanderlust: 一樓XDDDDD 01/29 19:01
luckysmallsu: 09澳網費爸講那句時我有一種永遠無法打贏豆的感覺 01/29 19:14
fit: 爆氣打體能球是撐不久的,現在就是見一次修理一次 01/29 19:20
luckysmallsu: 最好是納豆只打體能球啦... 01/29 19:21
luckysmallsu: 即便費爸已經20冠我還是看好豆未來可能破這紀錄, 01/29 19:22
luckysmallsu: 納豆就是這麼可怕的存在 01/29 19:22
PhilKai9909: 對大家來說沒有豆費爸可能真的有機會25甚至30,但有 01/29 19:41
PhilKai9909: 豆的情況跟感動一定遠大於上述的條件,而且這兩老真 01/29 19:41
PhilKai9909: 的太閃了。 01/29 19:41
dale41527: 一樓的才是金句No1 01/29 20:10
fish0112: 只要Nad還在打後花園 Fed永遠都會被追GS數量 01/29 20:22
mattch: 我不敢想像如果費爸退休然後納豆還在追 GS PTT 會變多可 01/29 20:36
mattch: 怕... 01/29 20:36
anjohn: 看到一樓那句就想哭了,金句無誤 01/29 20:49
comesome: 豆每年刷後花園副本到當阿公 01/29 21:04
sakula45: 一樓,那句還有個語助詞,啊…… 01/29 21:22
CaminoI: 但費爸也說過有豆在才讓他多了打下去的動力 所以他們其中 01/29 21:46
CaminoI: 一位先退的話 搞不好另一位也待不久 少了樂趣吧? 01/29 21:47
CaminoI: 一種身處高峰但還有人跟你一起突破極限的樂趣 01/29 21:48
cruisewu2003: 推1F 01/29 21:53
mattch: 怎樣都可以閃就對了 >\\\\\< 01/29 21:55
ssisters: 性情中人啊 01/29 22:12
hwsher: 1F那句真的每次看每次都心痛... 01/29 22:13
joyce31022: 一樓經典 01/29 22:21
JessicaA1ba: 一樓還要搭配接下來納豆的表情 01/29 23:27
st442222: 08溫決賽、09澳決賽是唯二不敢重看的比賽QQ 01/29 23:33
tlw0709: 借轉 01/29 23:37
k13223344: 1樓那句聽到哭出來QQQQQQQQQQQQ 01/29 23:53
raylock1216: 1F那句太有畫面 01/29 23:57
Darvish11: 那場我也有看,真的很難過,可能覺得自己的時代結束了 01/30 00:34
Darvish11: 吧,尤其前一年溫網又被納豆中斷連霸 整個就是很不 01/30 00:34
Darvish11: 順 01/30 00:35
Darvish11: 但誰也沒想到將近快10年後的今天,老費可以將大滿貫紀 01/30 00:47
Darvish11: 錄推到20,真的很不可思議,就像他自己講的自己也沒想 01/30 00:47
Darvish11: 過,或許心態也不一樣了,現在的費爸,就是在享受網球 01/30 00:47
Darvish11: 的比賽過程 01/30 00:47
comedog: 09以為要交接了 結果10年後還是他在統治XDDD 01/30 01:05
shongzcwea: 09是因為紅土打不贏,連草地也輸了,剩硬地,結果連硬 01/30 01:42
shongzcwea: 地也守不住,看起來自己的時代已經結束 01/30 01:43
shongzcwea: 全方面被Nadal擊敗,當然還有14冠的壓力 01/30 01:44
shermanmt: 樓上那是08吧?09又拿法溫了 01/30 02:35
deehsu: https://imgur.com/M8k88vD (09澳網決賽同樣跟著哭的..) 01/30 07:30
deehsu: https://youtu.be/XXs9mwKk6Hk?t=37s 01/30 07:34
mattch: 史上最尷尬冠軍 XDDD 01/30 07:47
deehsu: 真的,豆當時看到費爸哭得唏哩嘩啦;好像也不敢亂動~跟乖 01/30 08:01
deehsu: 寳小學生很像~XDD 01/30 08:01
tnpaul: 有聲音QQ 01/30 09:04
boybread: 第七點怪怪的吧,06年溫網費爸是打敗納豆....怎麼會對羅 01/30 11:29
boybread: 迪克的訪談發表? 01/30 11:29
CaminoI: 記得費爸後來補充09澳網決賽會哭是因為看到Rod Laver本人 01/30 15:54
CaminoI: 到現場準備頒獎 但他卻沒有拿到冠軍 一時忍不住 01/30 15:54
sos4f2: 一樓T____T 01/31 18:34
jamesma: QQ 02/01 22:53