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上週貌似在墨西哥染上感冒的小圭仍未痊癒, 因此退出印地安泉賽事,其上一回參加 Masters 1000 已是去年加拿大 Rogers Cup。 Illness puts Nishikori out of Indian Wells https://www.sbs.com.au/news/illness-puts-nishikori-out-of-indian-wells Japan's Kei Nishikori has been forced to withdraw prior to his opening match at the Indian Wells Masters as Asia's top player fell ill. The world No.25 was to have begun in the second round after a bye against Argentine Leo Mayer. His spot in the main draw will be taken by Belgian Ruben Bemelmans. "I regret to abandoning the match but I'm still not over my cold last week from Mexico," Nishikori tweeted. "I'm sorry I cannot play at one of my favourite tournaments but I hope to cure it soon to prepare for Miami (starting in just over a week). Nishikori, a former a top 10 player, has competed in only one match since the US Open due to a wrist injury. He lost last week upon his return in the Acapulco first round to Denis Shapovalov. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1520811155.A.EC6.html
rainww25: 太慘了 還去打小聯盟 結果真正大賽又出事 03/12 07:34
sleeeve: 那年美網真的很可惜 賽前對戰Cilic h2h還領先 03/12 08:02
sleeeve: 還有某年羅馬決賽對Rafa? 也是 最後傷退 03/12 08:03
joulin: 要變日本二哥了嗎? 日本同胞Daniel剛剛贏了Djo 03/12 08:05
iamshana: 丹尼爾太郎連西本拳太都還沒超過 還輪不到討論一哥 03/12 08:13
kingdom: 西本不是打羽球的嗎? 03/12 08:15
iamshana: 對不起 是杉田又一QQ 03/12 08:22
Safin: 我的小圭 03/12 08:27
lockread: 回不去了。好可惜 03/12 09:39
k13223344: 連感冒都來,加油啊!!!!! 03/12 09:40
lockread: 當年珍惜福原愛好好的相愛不好嗎 03/12 09:41
Joybena: 慘兮兮 03/12 11:46
Popaieric: 這樣江宏傑就沒幾會了 也不好哈 03/12 11:48
zh224: 幫QQ... 03/12 11:54
charlie01: 干福原愛X事......XD 03/12 12:50
raiderho: 選手受傷,怎麼話題跑到前女友了... 03/12 13:07
rainww25: 都一起拍國際牌冷氣廣告了 03/12 13:36
t128595: QQ 03/12 14:25
Wall62: QQ 03/12 20:29