看板 Tennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
* News from : https://tinyurl.com/ycjc9sbg https://imgur.com/mWxkNcv US Open champion Naomi Osaka is the third player to qualify for the singles field at the 2018 BNP Paribas WTA Finals Singapore presented by SC Global. WTA STAFF October 2, 2018 ST PETERSBURG, FL, USA - Japan’s Naomi Osaka is the third player to qualify for the 2018 BNP Paribas WTA Finals Singapore presented by SC Global. After winning her first round match at the China Open in Beijing on Monday, coupled with other results, the US Open champion was officially confirmed to join two other major winners in this year's singles field: French Open champion Simona Halep and Wimbledon winner Angelique Kerber. Osaka has enjoyed a season of firsts in 2018 and it will culminate with her latest one: her WTA Finals debut. Her season has been highlighted by her maiden Grand Slam title in Flushing Meadows, defeating Serena Williams in the championship match. Earlier this season, she won her career first WTA trophy at the BNP Paribas Open in Indian Wells. Osaka also went on a 10-match winning streak between the US Open title and reaching her third final of the season at the Toray Pan Pacific Open on home soil in Tokyo. In addition, the Japanese No.1 reached the round of 16 at the Australian Open, semifinals at the Nature Valley Open in Nottingham and the quarterfinals at the Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships. “Qualifying for the WTA Finals is a huge accomplishment. Winning the WTA Rising Stars Invitational in 2015 helped give me the confidence to play on the big stages so I am excited to go back to Singapore and compete with the top players of the season.” Naomi Osaka In 2015, Osaka competed and won the WTA Rising Stars Invitational as part of the WTA Finals, introducing fans to the next generation of women's tennis stars at the WTA's biggest event of the year. In the final, Osaka defeated Caroline Garcia on the same stage as the Top 8 singles and doubles players competed for the WTA Finals trophies. Osaka becomes the third-ever player from Japan to qualify for the year-end event, and first in 15 years after Ai Sugiyama did so in 2003. Kimiko Date qualified for three editions of the season-ending event, and reached the semifinals on her debut in 1994. The WTA is now accepting applications for Media Accreditation for the 2018 BNP Paribas WTA Finals Singapore presented by SC Global. Applications can be submitted via wtafinals2018. ------------------- * Naomi Osaka 成為今年第三位入圍 2018 WTA 新加坡年終總決賽女單的球員。 同時也成為日本歷史上第三位入圍 WTA 年終總決賽的球員, 也是自 2003 年的杉山愛之後,15年來首位達成此目標的日本女將。 伊達公子曾三度入圍此項年終賽事,並在 1994 年首次參賽時打進了四強。 恭喜大坂!祝福她未來越來越好....... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1538462826.A.C56.html
Gillli : 恭喜可以穿訂製禮服了 10/02 14:52
solemnity : 恭喜!! 10/02 14:54
LCWA103A : 來個年終冠軍洗掉美網不好的回憶 10/02 14:56
pichia : 好喜歡他 10/02 15:16
calculus9 : 基本上今年就爭第8席吧 前7應該都會進 10/02 16:30
Safin : 希望他再次打敗小威 10/02 16:49
funnily : 現在是看散步和Kiki誰能多進一個輪次? 10/02 17:57
seven711 : 賀 10/02 18:10
iwnat : 把小威打到滿地找牙 10/02 18:19
DREW : 小威無法進年終賽啊.... 10/02 18:39
nike923123 : 目前3位合格的都是今年滿貫得主 只差瓦牆.. 10/02 19:03
justdoit986 : 恭喜大坂 加油! 10/02 19:16
Architect : 恭喜! 10/02 19:54
Safin : 小威會進吧 10/02 20:41
neo718 : 小威目前年度積分2976,而第8名霹靂妹3601. 10/02 21:25
neo718 : 差了六百多分(而且霹靂妹還在籤表內晉級中,會拿更多 10/02 21:26
neo718 : 且小威接下來兩周巡迴賽都沒有報名參加, 10/02 21:26
neo718 : 分數不足以進入年度積分前八強. 10/02 21:27
neo718 : (下周三站全部都是280分等級,下下周莫斯科最多470分 10/02 21:27
neo718 : 就算接下來兩周如果小威有參賽,而且全部都獲勝, 10/02 21:28
neo718 : 霹靂妹或Kiki Bertens只要進入第三輪以上, 10/02 21:29
neo718 : 小威分數還是無法超過,直接從年終賽競爭名單淘汰) 10/02 21:29
https://imgur.com/ACMETrv 剛在WTA微博看到的消息; 在中網賽後新聞發佈會上, 大坂自己對於名字翻譯的爭議進行了公開回應, 這樣看來,以後也能叫 Naomi Osaka 中文為"大坂直美"了? 因為可愛的大坂知道"直美"在中文裡有漂亮的含意, 果真是小女孩阿~~XDDDD ※ 編輯: deehsu (, 10/03/2018 00:01:49
jason10095 : 小威早就說今年他不再打比賽了 10/03 00:17
dannyace : 哈哈哈 大坂好可愛 10/03 10:39
bill93557063: 日文新聞 http://goo.gl/FPxJMz 10/03 12:55
solemnity : 好可愛XDD 10/03 15:18
wentasu : 大坂最高! 10/03 20:33