看板 Tennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://bit.ly/2FvTA7n 巴大叔宣布打完溫網後退休 Dear All, I wanted to take the time to write to you all and let you know that this upcoming Wimbledon will be my last tournament as a tennis professional. I am extremely grateful to the AELTC for granting me a Main Draw Wild-Card at the All England Club, and giving me a chance to say goodbye to the sport that I love so much and has been such a big part of my life for the last 30+ years. This decision was not an easy one. It has proven tough for me, especially physically, to come back to where I feel like I belong. Even though my mind wants to do it, the limits of my body have prevented me to maintain and play at a consistent high level as I expect from myself. Especially the last two years have been very difficult for me with recurring injuries and pain. Besides that, I have a beautiful wife, two young daughters, and a third child on the way and I could not be more excited to spend more time with all of them at home. Although I am sad to say goodbye to the sport as an active player, I am very excited for the next chapter of my life – I am going to be staying heavily involved in tennis in a number of capacities, so you will continue to see me on the tour. Lastly, there are so many people to thank who have been a part of this incredible journey with me, starting with my family first and for all. To all the people that have helped me become the person and tennis player I am today, I say thank you, especially to my Mum and Dad who supported me since the age of 3 to play tennis. Thank you for always believing in me and pushing me to become better. My team, my close friends, but especially the fans around the world. You made me feel welcome in each and every city and country I have ever been to, and your love, support, and energy is something I will truly miss. Thank you for this amazing run, I can’t wait to give it my all one last time in London! All the best, Marcos http://i.imgur.com/kfdzSiy.jpg
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snooker : 快樂打球魂 QQ 06/24 17:00
Baghdatis : 再會了,各位球迷~ 06/24 17:00
popoallan : 二樓掰掰QQ 06/24 17:04
casman : 二樓掰~~~ QQ 06/24 17:06
icedog122 : 二樓掰 06/24 17:10
apple8335 : 巴大叔~QQ 06/24 17:16
dannyace : 二樓QQ 06/24 17:19
sleeeve : 好久沒看到他了 06/24 17:22
wsheep : 二樓掰 06/24 17:28
pochaccofang: 懷念他! 06/24 17:29
jantim102 : 二樓QQ 06/24 17:50
sin812 : 幾歲啊 感覺前陣子才在說他老起來等 現在要退了QQ 06/24 17:53
a9a99 : 應該還算年輕吧~ 06/24 17:57
morton7932 : 巴大叔34了 06/24 18:00
openbestbook: 不幸版阿格西 06/24 18:01
CaminoI : 二樓巴叔掰掰 QQ 06/24 18:02
yankeefat : 看的第一場網球賽就是2F跟費拔的澳網決賽 06/24 18:08
starxls : 忘不了他跟Nalbandian在澳網那場五盤大戰 印象深刻 06/24 18:17
ericial : 二樓再見 06/24 18:25
penghuman : 二樓再見 06/24 18:26
Taiwanbunbun: 原來才34歲... 06/24 18:33
hijodedios36: 二樓... 06/24 18:46
BusterPosey : 時光荏苒 06/24 18:49
Dolce : 巴大叔掰掰QQ 沒想到已經是3個小孩的爸了,好好陪家 06/24 18:58
amorviva : 二樓掰掰 06/24 19:05
BoyRock : 二樓 bye bye 06/24 19:07
Takasteric : 他的那個賽普勒斯國旗的頭帶真的潮 06/24 19:08
Whiteplus : 2樓! 06/24 19:18
minghom : 阿格西自傳裡第一位出現的對手 當時2006美網 06/24 19:56
rainww25 : 他與嘎嘎也是big4時代眼淚犧牲者 06/24 19:56
AYLiu : 巴大叔出道時的正妹女友呢 06/24 19:57
rainww25 : 那年澳網決賽前半場以為他會贏 06/24 19:57
d2389758 : noooooooooo 06/24 20:16
Mcnair : 巴大叔也掰了~~QQ 06/24 20:27
vikimsw : 二樓掰QQ 06/24 20:44
trapmaster15: 二樓掰掰QQ 我看網球的起點 06/24 20:47
AlohaVC : 早早竄起 然後很快的回歸平凡 大叔掰 06/24 20:50
cloudworld : 巴大叔掰掰 06/24 20:51
Masahiro : 二樓掰掰 QQ 06/24 21:40
nba407t : 巴叔~~~ 嗚嗚嗚 06/24 21:56
aikyan : 印象最深是跟Hewitt那場,忘記在哪了,只記得超熱血 06/24 22:08
aikyan : 查了一下是08澳網3R,打到凌晨四點半XD 06/24 22:10
jardin123 : 二樓QQ 06/24 22:41
pttkobe5566 : 時代啊 06/24 23:04
mimimoumou : 熱血網球大叔!從出道就是大叔! 06/24 23:18
tsai18 : 2006年那時候未滿21歲就有人叫他大叔了 06/24 23:21
rythem : 天哪!?巴大叔!!!!QQ 06/24 23:22
terryporter : 他的主戰mpro1現在我還在用 06/24 23:34
t13 : 巴大叔......印象最深是連續摔爛四把球拍...... 06/25 00:12
icpolonaise : 等一下!那個在澳網挑戰Fed、來自賽普勒斯的19歲小 06/25 00:53
icpolonaise : 將、那個一出道就老起來放的小將你跟我說他要退了!? 06/25 00:54
jason10095 : 二樓QQ 06/25 01:21
VJ2004 : 巴大叔最令我印象深刻的比賽是某年成都跟眼鏡哥決賽 06/25 01:40
VJ2004 : 就看他打一打忽然整個人倒下去(好像背部有傷吧 06/25 01:41
VJ2004 : 那次看比賽有嚇到 眼鏡哥也過去關心 但情況不妙到 06/25 01:41
VJ2004 : 只能棄賽QQ (眼鏡哥=ISTOMIN) 06/25 01:42
amen123 : 記得他打monfils因為對手受傷心軟最後被逆轉 06/25 02:11
tiger5 : 巴大叔的澳網黑馬之旅我還記憶猶新啊! 06/25 02:16
RNLRNL : 巴大叔的前法國女友超正 可惜最後分了 06/25 03:57
RNLRNL : 之後他跟04年溫網打贏大威的黑馬Sprem結婚 06/25 03:58
claudia1419 : 大叔~~~ 06/25 07:36
t128595 : 掰掰~QQ 06/25 08:53
kukucat : 大叔!掰掰~ 好愛你的笑容 06/25 09:28
vincentgotu : https://i.imgur.com/keqkTkI.jpg 06/25 11:06
vincentgotu : https://i.imgur.com/xKKd2D1.jpg 06/25 11:06
vincentgotu : https://i.imgur.com/S7vVO9H.jpg 06/25 11:07
sywer : 那年澳網真的令人驚艷,可惜也就只有那一年 06/25 11:23
yutso : 天那2006年澳網 已經那麼久以前了...QQ 06/25 11:35
yutso : (反觀他的對手...居然還在... 06/25 11:38
bobjohns : 想當初06年澳網先拿第一盤說 06/25 16:25
lijiahwa : 二樓拜拜~~ 06/25 17:45
Eeli2008 : 澳網黑馬松加也... 06/25 18:49
digerdan : 大叔掰掰 (*뒑鸏)~ 笑著送你離開才是大叔style 06/25 19:20
aaronkuo : 我也是看2006澳網認識他 也愛上費爸 06/25 20:00
crazywater : 反觀他的對手居然覺得自己又變年輕了..... 06/25 20:38
AlohaVC : Sprem正 巴大叔lucky you 06/25 20:45
shawn11 : 巴大叔今年還有在深圳挑戰賽拿冠,以為還能再看到一 07/04 10:16
shawn11 : 兩年 07/04 10:16