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Novak Djokovic: 'I had some tightness on my elbow, pain is there' https://reurl.cc/l31kd tennisworld by LUIGI GATTO Novak Djokovic defeated Lucas Pouille in a straight-set match in Cincinnati on Friday. The Serbian player prevailed 7-6 6-1 and speaking in an on court interview he said: "I thought he played really well throughout the first set. We both held our service games quite comfortably until the tie-break and then I just stayed in there, very focussed, didn’t drop my level. He did. [He] double faulted and missed a couple of forehands and obviously that cost him the tie-break. The beginning of the second set I knew it was very important to try to break his serve right away and get into an advantage, which I did. I managed to finish off the match really well." Djokovic had his elbow checked as he felt some pain. Speaking of his physical condition, the Serb added: "I had some tightness, especially on my serve, and managed to finish the match which is great but the pain is there so hopefully I'll have no pain tomorrow. I'm going to see right now after the match, so hopefully will be fine for tomorrow." Djokovic's next opponent Daniil Medvedev was asked if he has some superstitions in order to keep winning: "I have some small things, but I should say, for example -- I don't know, let's say, what can it be? If I don't take the ball with which I just served an ace, doesn't mean I will lose the next point. I don't really believe in superstitions, but I try to keep the routine going." 稍早阿冏對溥儀的比賽 阿冏的手肘感到緊繃並且有疼痛的感覺 特別是在阿冏發球的時候 希望阿冏沒事 能夠面對明日和阿梅的四強賽 不過阿梅球風超黏 動不動就和阿冏來回20拍以上 怕阿冏手肘會撐不住爆掉XD... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1566025944.A.3D9.html
terryporter : 看來我豆準備稱霸美網 08/17 15:14
qscxz : 我豆舒服 08/17 15:15
sdf88523 : 不要舒服我豆啊 08/17 15:28
amercedes : 阿囧神獸 很快就康復了啦 別舒服 08/17 15:34
kakashi71 : 不舒服~ 08/17 15:46
wayne77925 : 不行就退吧,美網重要啊.... 08/17 15:59
kiwihou : 我囧保重啊,身體健康要緊QQ 08/17 16:08
shingo : 不會吧 惡夢又要回來了嗎? 08/17 16:13
Diehardx : 豆豆美網穩了 08/17 16:21
m21423 : 不要啊 08/17 16:22
t13 : 為什麼推文馬上開始舒服豆@@囧的狀況又還不確定 08/17 16:25
t13 : 真的最怕球員被傷勢影響表現,健康為優先啊 08/17 16:26
kostevebe : 嚴重的話希望Djoko退賽,不要硬撐 08/17 16:29
sleeeve : 豆這次美網真的勝算很大 豆美網都蠻猛的 08/17 16:31
icedog122 : 怎麼都舒服豆 不舒服費爸呢? 08/17 16:38
newsph : 囧手肘還是沒辦法完全好的樣子 08/17 16:57
pdf300ppi : 不要阿QQ 身體要顧好啊阿囧>< 08/17 17:11
JustWinslow : 看來美網有機會產生新的大滿貫冠軍 08/17 17:16
wqcftgv : 感覺美網還是囧機會大 08/17 17:19
ten9di9 : 賽亞人根本不怕肘痛 08/17 17:28
calculus9 : 穩了 08/17 17:29
b99202071 : ...舊傷? 08/17 17:34
newsph : 2016突然下滑 我一直覺得不是冥想 是因為手肘 08/17 17:37
MrSatan : 手塚:肩膀也沒事吧? 08/17 17:40
gp03dan : 不是阿,怎麼馬上變成Rafa穩了…Joker保重 08/17 17:43
l6l6au : 健康重要啊 08/17 17:48
l6l6au : 不過其實不太懂一看到囧身體不適就出來說豆穩是啥 08/17 17:51
l6l6au : 巫術xDD 希望球員健健康康打球 尤其年紀偏大的 08/17 17:51
stee7ers123 : 囧別演了 美網又是一尾活龍 08/17 17:52
bcqqa7785 : 咖骨軟Q就好 08/17 17:54
flamevein : 當初會下滑就是手肘傷造成的吧 還有去開刀 08/17 18:02
enjoycyh : 球員肘痛還要被酸別演了...真是無奈 08/17 18:22
leisle : 拜託不行別硬撐,美網比較重要啊 08/17 18:23
deadee : 豆美網穩了+1 08/17 18:38
jantim102 : 之前484就是手肘掛點 08/17 18:41
Popaieric : 溥儀表示: 肘痛照樣連保帶破我... 08/17 19:01
oralboralb : 納豆19 明年法網20 08/17 19:17
mitiemu : 賽亞人沒在怕痛的... 越痛越強... 08/17 19:18
rushfudge : 辛辛 是誰圓夢了呢?? 08/17 19:24
JustWinslow : 冠軍賽站在阿梅對面的那位圓夢 08/17 20:03
DaDamaster : 冥想中:手肘不痛了,手肘不痛了…… 08/17 20:03
a86851247 : 納豆哪裡穩.. 08/17 20:16
Elaine1211 : 不要舒服豆 08/17 20:23
s910612 : 水豆硬地哪裡穩啊笑死 08/17 20:25
seishin : 隱了 08/17 20:55
wallaceboy : 豆美網穩了+1 08/17 21:08
shiaobai : 拒絕舒服豆豆 08/17 21:41
crazyanight : 美網連霸超難的啊 08/17 22:01
UncleJustice: 豆穩了 08/17 22:13
whalelover : 第87屆互相舒服大賽正式開始 08/17 22:25
ijk12345 : 也是該有個新大滿貫得主了... 08/17 23:00
zetaj : 不用舒服我豆,囧今年美網照樣猛得跟什麼一樣 08/17 23:07
DflowerT : 其實美網從09年費爸衛冕失敗開始,就沒人能連霸了 08/17 23:08
DflowerT : 其中囧兩次挑戰連霸都失敗,一次連賽一次肘傷,前 08/17 23:11
DflowerT : 兩次都有狀況,今年是第三次挑戰連霸 08/17 23:11
a6300072 : 溫網費囧互相把對方身體操到壞掉的結果 08/17 23:35
micbrimac : 手痛6:1... 08/17 23:45
micbrimac : 新大滿貫主...嗯...有3個守門員啊 08/17 23:46
arthur8787 : 溫網帶給兩位巨大消耗 畢竟也都年過30 08/17 23:55
savilin : dj打法手肘容易因為久抽受傷,看來溫網打太久傷到了 08/18 00:02
wqcftgv : 豆的膝蓋什麼時候會出狀況都不知道,囧美網機會還是 08/18 00:11
wqcftgv : 比豆高 08/18 00:11
mmnnoo : 那個誇張的37歲阿伯應該沒事吧… 08/18 00:38
hgh70928 : 樓上....阿伯應該38了吧 08/18 00:44
randykaku : 不管誰贏,比賽打到淋漓盡致才好看 08/18 00:44
windowxx : 所以38歲的阿伯就二輪遊啦(淚... 08/18 00:47
hgh70928 : 完全不期待費的美網,不如好好備戰澳網!! 08/18 00:50
cornershop : 傷主要不是來自溫網吧?!辛辛這三場狀況都不錯,不 08/18 02:12
cornershop : 像帶傷出賽,有看比賽知道中間他有不小心滑了一下 08/18 02:12
cornershop : 用手去撐地,那之後才出現發球的痛痛表情 08/18 02:12
f1317913 : 年尾的豆身體狀況也是要觀察啦 08/18 02:13
cornershop : 費阿伯算"3輪"遊啦 ^^" 08/18 02:18
cornershop : 如果美網有新的冠軍希望是小梅或小Z 08/18 02:30
cornershop : 或德華也不錯,恭喜進大師賽決賽 08/18 02:33
f1317913 : 美網要是有冠軍我希望是7784 Thiem 或是德華 08/18 06:07
f1317913 : 新冠軍啦 08/18 06:07
iceru : 噁6-1在那邊搏同情 08/18 06:18
hioat609 : 樓上我覺得你的發言才噁吧.. 08/18 07:02
mmnnoo : 我記得溫網六盤大戰,阿伯應該還是37? 08/18 11:53
Axy8 : 舒服大賽這麼早就開始 08/18 12:39
straightball: 納豆的好運要來了.... 08/19 22:15
tjbulls : 先舒服我豆再說~~~ 08/20 12:28
mysterydream: 硬地路人不小心就進四強了 08/20 13:34