看板 Tennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Lopez Gets Married On His Birthday Feliciano Lopez gave himself an unforgettable birthday present on Friday, tying the knot with Sandra Gago on the same day he turned 38. Lopez shared the happy news in an Instagram post on Saturday. Several of his peers on Tour, including Milos Raonic and Jaume Munar, commented to congratulate him on the big moment. ”I have read many definitions about what happiness means, but none of them comes close to what we lived yesterday with all of you,” Lopez wrote. “They say [having] that shared is double. That’s why yesterday was so special, a shot of love and good vibes in an environment we will never forget. Thanks again to everyone who joined us yesterday. I want more birthdays like that.” Lopez is scheduled to compete again next month at the European Open in Antwerp. 西班牙型男 Feliciano Lopez 日前透過個人社群網站公布結婚的喜訊 而且還特別選在他的38歲生日這一天與女友Sandra Gago正式完婚 https://imgur.com/w3JWhAC.jpg
至於他的死忠鐵粉 Judy Murray 也有在她的推特上分享看到這則消息的心情 https://twitter.com/JudyMurray/status/1175697427824873472 Devastated. 來源: https://www.atptour.com/en/news/lopez-gago-wedding-2019 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1569211684.A.5FE.html
edhuang : 恭喜 真的沒有最帥只有更帥 09/23 12:09
t13 : 莫瑞媽XDDDD 09/23 12:14
Taiwanbunbun: 真的帥哥美女 凡人表示羨慕 09/23 12:20
rainww25 : 莫瑞媽哭整天 09/23 12:22
openbestbook: 恭喜帥哥Lopez 09/23 12:30
librann : devastated 笑死哈哈哈哈 09/23 12:40
ygjhsu : 鐵粉哭暈在廁所 09/23 12:40
li1y : 鐵粉哭暈XD 09/23 13:00
savilin : 他超帥的欸! 09/23 13:06
a9a99 : 太太好美啊 09/23 14:29
VeronicaMars: 未看先猜有莫瑞媽媽 09/23 14:32
route22 : 最後還是選嫰的 09/23 14:33
picher : 太太好美 感覺很溫柔 09/23 15:43
purely : 老婆好美 09/23 15:50
purely : 鐵粉哭暈XDD 09/23 15:51
joe10227 : 茱蒂:為什麼你背著我愛別人...... 09/23 15:59
apple8335 : 幫Judy QQ 09/23 16:43
mnyan0503 : 茱蒂也太好笑XD 09/23 17:13
Ice826 : 英國柱柱姊哭哭 09/23 17:23
Masahiro : 看到標題直接想到莫瑞媽 09/23 17:41
Joybena : 英國柱姐沒恭賀一下? 09/23 18:09
Joybena : 太太真的好美 09/23 18:11
digerdan : 聽到心碎的聲音 XD 09/23 18:20
sinben : 小安迪媽媽哭運在廁所XDDDD 09/23 18:54
dwdt : 老婆好漂亮 09/23 19:38
lovegraf : 老婆真的好美~ 09/23 20:09
CaminoI : 恭喜一對璧人! 09/23 20:16
AlohaVC : 近20年跟沙皇並列網壇最帥的男人 恭喜 09/23 20:18
joyce31022 : 學會Devastated 這個單字XD 09/23 20:36
halfq : 真的是又帥又美 恭喜 09/23 22:09
dazzzlee : 照片直接拿去當廣告用都可以了 Lopez帥爆新娘美爆 09/24 00:28
duanhandsome: 安迪媽真的畫龍點睛XDDD 09/24 10:57
simoncooper : devastated 太白癡了吧啊哈哈哈哈 09/25 12:33