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Jelena Jankovic gives birth to a baby girl By Marija - April 7, 2021 0 Serbian media are reporting that Jelena Jankovic gave birth to a baby girl in Belgrade on the morning of April 6. The former world No.1 has been silent on her Instagram since last July, so it ’s no surprise that she’s not personally updating us about this big event in her life. We learned about JJ’s pregnancy in November 2020. That’s also when we heard that the baby father was Serbian doctor Branko Barac, whom Jankovic reportedly met while taking a coronavirus test following Novak Djokovic’s Adria Tour ex hibition tournament in Belgrade last spring. Doctor Barac is an internal medicine specialist, rheumatologist. The word is o ut that the couple invested about 2 million euros into a luxury estate at the Fruska Gora mountain in Serbia. Hello! magazine states that Jankovic reportedl y insisted on having a large garden for her child to play and a tennis court. (photo: Jimmie48) Jankovic於4/6產下一個女嬰 她的丈夫是塞爾維亞的醫生 是在囧口舉辦的 Adria Tour表演賽為了檢測的COVID-19 而認識的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1617836745.A.BB7.html
openbestbook: 從小學化妝 04/08 08:30
airmark : XD囧口當媒人 04/08 10:22
smilydumdum : 這進度好像有點快? 04/08 10:24
listensmith : Adria是2020/6,一見鍾情的話差不多是四月出生沒錯 04/08 10:30
Seles : 我原本以為他會跟小安迪的哥哥結婚耶...... 04/08 12:07
Seles : JJ的第一座(也是唯一一座)的大滿貫冠軍 就是跟他在 04/08 12:08
Seles : 溫布頓網球公開賽 04/08 12:08
FantasyChopi: 乍看之下還以為是囧口老婆生第三胎XD 名字也太像 04/08 12:56
vikimsw : ?他沒拿過單打大滿貫吧? 04/08 19:54
e8672596 : 他說的是她跟茉莉哥的2007年溫網混雙冠軍 04/08 21:00
Eeli2008 : Jankovic 已經久遠到有人不認識了嗎 04/08 23:20
k7202001 : 哇靠 檢測完直接開房間 一發中的概念 04/09 07:46
todd0101 : 有種AV片段即視感 XD 04/09 11:18
LCWA103A : 哇噻 時間推算就是那時直接來的啊 04/10 00:39