看板 Tennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
剛剛看到費爸和老牌奧斯卡影帝勞勃狄尼洛共同主演的瑞士國家旅遊局宣傳片, 看來費爸將來要是退休後真的可以考慮往演藝圈發展了? 感覺還有續集?會不會也有湯姆漢克斯出現呢? MySwitzerland May 4, 2021 Switzerland Tourism's new ambassador Roger Federer features in the organisation's latest film. He's joined by legendary actor and Oscar winner Robert De Niro. In the short film, De Niro turns down an invitation by Federer to be part of a movie about Switzerland. He thinks, the destination is pure, impressive and utterly beautiful - but there is no drama in Switzerland, something De Niro focuses his acting upon. The film can be seen online worldwide. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1620159361.A.D67.html
mayzn : 原來是他,昨天Roger有在推特要大家猜誰打給他~ 05/05 06:55
wouo : 推 05/05 09:33
sabrina84162: 哈想去 05/05 10:16
jonathan8907: 推 05/05 12:08
sofisofi : 推 05/05 14:10
sofisofi : Maybe call Hanks XD 05/05 14:15
IlovePete : 推Maybe call Hanks XD 05/05 18:45
ineda : 看費爸在球場外這麼活躍真是不妙,感覺很快就要轉行 05/05 19:23
ineda : 了 05/05 19:23
linyi781227 : https://i.imgur.com/VUjIBNR.jpg 05/05 19:30
linyi781227 : 哪裡快轉行..... 05/05 19:30
icedog122 : 你不要學勞勃狄尼洛 05/05 19:39
RedLiam : Uniqlo明顯也有贊助 05/05 19:51
DflowerT : 費爸場外一直以來都很活躍呀XD 05/05 20:00
ashin1069 : 這樣就叫要轉行 網友也沒24小時都在工作啊 05/05 20:28
blunt2005 : 費爸不覺這人眼熟嗎 05/05 23:15
blunt2005 : https://imgur.com/NfQqywf 05/05 23:24
IvnGoran : 某人以為費只有現在才拍廣告 05/06 06:52
smilydumdum : 費爸收入一直都是代言為主題的XD 05/07 12:15
smilydumdum : *體 05/07 12:16
Rubylinn : 推樓上,代言才是本體?哈哈 05/08 15:00
newsph : 代言費 05/10 12:42