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原標題:Djokovic Case Highlights Australia’s Cruel Immigration Policies 副標題:Inhumane Treatment of Refugees an Unacceptable Deterrence Measure 喬案凸顯澳洲的移民政策 對難民不人道待遇是不能接受的威懾手段 While the world number one tennis player, Novak Djokovic, spent four nights detained at an immigration hotel in Melbourne before a judge ordered his release, his case became a jolting reminder of Australia’s abusive treatment of refugees and asylum seekers who have been held in the country’s immigration detention system for years. 雖然世界排名第一的網球運動員諾瓦克·德約科維奇在墨爾本的一家移民酒店 被拘留了四個晚上,隨後法官下令將他釋放,但他的案件令人震驚地提醒人們 澳大利亞虐待被關押在該國的難民和尋求庇護者已非常多年。 Since July 2013 the Australian government has forcibly transferred more than 3,000 asylum seekers and refugees to offshore camps in the countries of Papua New Guinea and Nauru, where they suffered severe abuse, inhumane treatment, and medical neglect. The human toll of these cruel policies has been huge. Children in offshore camps, whom a team of pediatricians described as among the most traumatized they had ever seen, stopped speaking and wanted to end their lives. 自 2013 年 7 月以來,澳洲政府已將 3,000 多名尋求庇護者和難民 強行轉移到位於巴紐和諾魯附近的海外難民營,在那裡他們遭受了嚴重的虐待、 不人道的待遇和醫療忽視。這些殘酷政策造成的許多人員傷亡。 海上難民營中的兒童,一組兒科醫生稱 他們是他們見過的最受創傷的人, 他們停止說話,甚至想要結束自己的生命。 Twelve people have died in Australia’s offshore detention system, including from murder, medical neglect, and suicide. These include Omid Masoumali, an Iranian refugee who set himself on fire during a United Nations monitoring visit in protest against his indefinite detention, and Hamid Kehazaei, another Iranian, who died after a minor infection in his leg became septic, having been denied needed medical care. 12 人在澳大利亞的離岸拘留系統中死亡,包括死於謀殺、醫療疏忽和自殺。 其中包括伊朗難民奧米德·馬蘇馬利(Omid Masoumali), 他在聯合國監測訪問期間自焚以抗議他被無限期拘留; 另一名伊朗人哈米德·克哈扎伊(Hamid Kehazaei)因腿部感染變成敗血症而死亡, 期間他的醫療照護需求被拒絕。 In a mainland immigration detention facility in Melbourne, the 2-year-old daughter of Sri Lankan asylum seekers had to have her baby teeth surgically removed after they rotted during her time in detention. 在墨爾本的一個移民拘留所,一位斯里蘭卡尋求庇護者的 2 歲女童在被拘留期間 因口腔潰爛才不得不通過手術拔除牙齒。 Australian politicians have long relied on “tough on borders” rhetoric to win elections. This populist tactic has helped to ensure these abusive policies have remained in place for as long as they have. Inhumane treatment of refugees is not an acceptable nor a lawful policy of deterrence. 長期以來,澳洲一直依靠「對邊界強硬」的言論來贏得選舉。 這種民粹主義有助於確保這邊界政策一直存在。 對難民的不人道待遇既不是可接受的,也不是合法的威懾政策。 All Australians should voice their opposition to prolonged and indefinite immigration detention, because while Djokovic may now be free, hundreds of others are not. 所有澳洲人都應該反對長期和無限期的移民拘留, 因為雖然德約科維奇現在可能是自由的,但其他數百人卻沒有。 來源:HUMAN RIGHT WATCH 原文:https://bit.ly/3fs1H6J 記者:Sophie McNeill ___________________________________ 澳洲邊境政策一直都很嚴格 我想人權團體要強調的是,對於非法入境者 喬科維奇可以打官司脫身,與無法發聲的難民的差別待遇 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1641891512.A.ABC.html
clifflee : 所以人家才會說他速審也是特權 QQ 01/11 17:00
oncee : 就是特權...這麼明顯 01/11 17:02
icedog122 : 人家是GOAT耶,有特權,臭了嗎? 01/11 17:05
z326326 : 囧這麼容易確診,澳洲站在保護囧的立場,應該是不 01/11 17:09
z326326 : 能入境吧,萬一第三次確診怎麼辦 01/11 17:09
jj75520 : 感覺不是能類比的事情.. 01/11 17:33
REALucifer : 囧不是住酒店嗎,這也真能扯XD 01/11 17:37
sinben : 往上翻有一篇超長的文 說他不是特權耶 別亂黑冏喔 01/11 17:39
boulderer : 四樓太幽默了 01/11 17:48
jurassic : 跟他住哪裡有甚麼關係,邏輯還好嗎 01/12 00:16
jurassic : 何況他住的就是收容申請庇護者的飯店 01/12 00:17
garlic1234 : 扯到難民議題就複雜了,那間飯店就是因為長期關著難 01/12 03:38
garlic1234 : 民而有名,也當過隔離飯店以及海外難民入澳緊急醫療 01/12 03:38
garlic1234 : 的住所,澳洲當局選擇讓囧住那邊應該是想突顯對待入 01/12 03:38
garlic1234 : 境問題沒有雙重標準,但老實說不管怎樣只要澳網日期 01/12 03:38
garlic1234 : 卡在那邊都會突顯囧的特權,優先審囧以及週一速開的 01/12 03:39
garlic1234 : 公聽會,把難民議題扯進來對囧沒什麼幫助,除非囧想 01/12 03:39
garlic1234 : 自己為難民這個議題發聲,但澳網才是他現在的目標 01/12 03:39
garlic1234 : 我同意這篇文章最後的結論,本來沒多少人關心的議題 01/12 03:40
garlic1234 : 因為囧的謎事件被擺上檯面,但難民依然不是主角 01/12 03:40