看板 Thailand 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這次是號稱最安全的外商 ''Flight of the Gibbon'' 背景很硬的樣子,下面英文說警方拒絕提供業者資料 可是Mae KamPong就這麼一間.... http://www.udnbkk.com/article/2015/0714/article_129000.html 【本報訊】清邁邁安鎮景點索道昨天(13日)再次發生事故,一名中國籍遊客和一名美國籍遊客滑索時撞在一起,導致兩人都重傷被送醫搶救。 邁安鎮警方昨天接到報案,當地景區內的索道發生交通事故,現場有外籍遊客受傷,警方立即前往現場調查。警方趕到現場時,傷者已經被送醫搶救。 警方調查獲悉,兩名傷者分別來自中國和美國,美國遊客名叫莎耶(57歲,譯音),中國遊客名叫李莎(27歲,譯音)。兩人在離地約10米的索道上滑行,結果滑行時撞在一起。 警方前往醫院調查,兩名遊客目前仍在搶救之中,警方要求景區暫停索道項目,同時展開調查行動。 http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2015/07/14/two-tourists-in...mai-zip-line-adventure An American and Chinese woman were seriously injured after they collided head-on while sliding down zip-lines in Chiang Mai yesterday in the second such accident this month. The American tourist Lisa Sayers, 57, broke several ribs when Chinese tourist Lee Cha, 27, reversed direction on the zip-line after being attacked by bees. Lee Cha suffered several bruises on her body. Both tourists were sent to the hospital The women crashed into each other while a zip-line adventure in Mae Kam Pong village. The name of the zip-line business was withheld by authorities, but has said it would take responsibility. Police will question the staff and witnesses. Chiang Mai’s popular “Flight of the Gibbon” is located in Mae Kam Pong. Earlier this month a Chinese tourist fell to his death when he was gliding across the zip-line at the Skyline Adventure in Doi Saket district in Chiang Mai. There are 13 zip-line businesses in the province, Sanook reportedx -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Thailand/M.1436928673.A.2A4.html
rm6y7ql4zj6: 完全打消去的念頭了QQ 07/15 13:26
eunice1110xp: 看英文報導是因為中國遊客被蜜蜂攻擊就往反方向 結 07/15 13:44
eunice1110xp: 果撞在一起? 07/15 13:44
vhygdih: 如果是這樣那就更奇怪了 安全人員怎麼可以讓一條line上 07/15 15:16
vhygdih: 面同時有兩個人.... 07/15 15:17
vhygdih: 我是覺得清邁這兩年zipline真的開太多, 雖然硬體我都覺得 07/15 15:28
vhygdih: 不錯不過人為因素也是一個不可忽視的理由,我之前在另外 07/15 15:28
vhygdih: 一個出事的業者那邊發生過安全繩卡進滾輪裡面直接磨斷人 07/15 15:28
vhygdih: 被卡在山谷, 當下的想法是如果滾輪也解體就GG 了==, 如 07/15 15:28
vhygdih: 果問我Zipline安不安全 我覺得是安全的只是不會是在泰國, 07/15 15:28
vhygdih: 因為人為因素太多 07/15 15:28
yannjiunlin: 中客因素居多吧 07/15 18:39
flare321: 每次出事都有中國人 07/15 18:43
k95i1658: 這次要去也開始猶豫了 07/15 19:09
hotmimi: 本資訊收錄至精華區2015年新聞 07/15 20:01
jajoy: 我玩過兩家 其實設備很老舊 平臺也會搖晃 來馬後炮一下 07/15 22:00
jajoy: v大妳好可怕 07/15 22:02
rainbowman: 我超愛玩的~玩過兩次,覺得安全(現在看新聞都嚇死) 07/16 13:15
arere: 哇咧~八月要去清邁耶……………………… 07/16 13:22
blueview: 我玩過普吉島的很ok耶 08/12 18:43
sneak: 我是覺得清邁這兩年zi https://daxiv.com 10/22 08:38