看板 Thailand 關於我們 聯絡資訊
已轉出~~謝謝大家 新年快樂 Hi, 1. 轉讓飯店: 泰國曼谷半島酒店住宿券 Peninsula Bangkok (有兩種Package住宿券可選擇) 2. 原因: 原先預計今年三月底前再訪曼谷半島酒店,因為懷孕且孕期將近,只好忍痛取消 出國行程,希望管理員能審核通過此篇貼文,幫助我尋求有緣人接收住宿券~ 3. LineID聯繫資訊: XXXXXXXXXX 4. 住宿券詳細內容: Package 1: 7.5折轉讓 NT4700/night(原價Teaw Kub Peninsula NT6,300/night) ◆ One-night accommodation in a Superior Room 豪華客房住宿一晚 ◆ Complimentary upgrade to the next room category 房型免費升等 ◆ Daily international breakfast at River Cafe & Terrace for two persons 早餐兩客 ◆ THB 2,000 resort credit for restaurants and spa treatments 飯店內餐廳/SPA THB2000現金抵用 ◆ Complimentary “Wellness Activities” throughout your stay, which combine holistic wellness and cultural experiences 免費飯店設施使用 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Package 2: 7.5折轉讓 NT6900/night(Sam Jai NT9,300/night) ◆ One-night accommodation in a Superior Room豪華客房住宿一晚 ◆ Daily international breakfast at River Cafe & Terrace for two persons 早餐兩客 ◆ Complimentary “Wellness Activities” activities throughout your stay, which combine holistic wellness and cultural experiences 免費飯店設施使用 ◆ Choose 3 benefits from the selection 好禮三選一 ◆ Complimentary upgrade to next room category 房型升等 ◆ Complimentary Afternoon Tea for two persons at The Lobby 兩人份下午茶 ◆ One-hour cocktails for two persons at The River Bar (4:00 pm to 6:00 pm) 一小時happy hour ◆ Buffet dinner for two persons at River Café & Terrace or Set dinner for two persons at The Lobby or Thiptara on the arrival day. (Thiptara is open from Tuesday to Friday only) 自助式晚餐兩客 *Advance reservation is required and confirmation is subject to availability 餐廳需事先預訂 ◆ 60-minute spa treatment of your choice for two persons: Relaxing or Thai Massage 兩個人各60分鐘按摩 註1: 去年八月我也是使用Megatix的優惠券入住的,非常划算,我和先生對於半島酒店的 服務非常窩心與滿意,附上當時被升等的房型。上面的價格也比官網還要優惠很多唷,有 計畫去泰國旅遊的人可以考慮~ 註2: 此為電子票券,期限至2023/03/31,需自行email向飯店訂房。不適用日期: 1 - 5, 22 - 29 January, 14 February in 2023 附上美美實拍照片 https://imgur.com/e57UpKT https://imgur.com/PMJePWd https://imgur.com/undefined https://imgur.com/09EgcwW 祝各位新年快樂~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Thailand/M.1674287808.A.499.html ※ 編輯: nene0001 ( 臺灣), 01/21/2023 16:02:03 ※ 編輯: nene0001 ( 臺灣), 01/21/2023 16:05:42
cruisewu2003: 好可惜 4月才要去曼谷 時間不搭 不然就收 01/21 17:23
darkwhy: 真的便宜。。但已訂了無法取消的房款 01/21 18:20
pool220: 好便宜 可惜我已訂兩晚四季4萬塊不能退 01/21 22:31
nene0001: 再麻煩有興趣的加line詢問,感恩~ 01/22 12:21
Lushaowei: 可小議嗎? 01/22 17:30
typhoonghi: 我時間可以,但是帶兩小 01/22 18:34
※ 編輯: nene0001 ( 臺灣), 01/25/2023 12:52:24 ※ 編輯: nene0001 ( 臺灣), 01/25/2023 12:53:24