看板 Timberwolves 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這篇寫的不錯 不過好懶得翻譯阿XDDDD 大致上就是說如果灰狼今年如果能選到英格拉母,並且聘用到度錫箔的話 ,配上灰狼新的醫療體制、不斷進步的球員。 逐漸成為聯盟最頂尖球員的Towns將會帶領灰狼走向新的境界。 這篇把灰狼的球員跟目前狀態分析的很到位,季中沒有火掉山姆 也是為了選秀權(誤)。 蠻值得一看的。 fox體育 http://goo.gl/iamTcv http://www.foxsports.com/nba/story/ minnesota-timberwolves-golden-state-warriors-karl-anthony-towns- brandon-ingram-tom-thibodeau-coach-draft-040616 The Timberwolves are two moves away from being NBA title contenders For now, it's enough to bask in the glory of knocking off Stephen Curry's Golden State Warriors on Tuesday night. Karl-Anthony Towns' crew threw a serious wrench into the Warriors' plans to win 73 games, which is an incredible feat. Last night's win was about more than just slowing the pursuit of history, however. The Wolves are an incredibly talented group of young players -- and the rest of the NBA should be terrified about what might lie ahead. Karl-Anthony Towns is already one of the NBA's top 15 to 20 players. Andrew Wiggins is starting to put it all together, showing off his defensive versatility and ability to outrebound much larger players while working on his improved jumper. Zach LaVine's decision-making gets stronger every day, which in turn allows him to leverage his incredible athleticism on both ends of the floor. And Ricky Rubio, while not the world's greatest finisher at the rim, provides some of the best point guard defense in the NBA and gets his teammates the ball where they want it, when they need it. Three of those four players were born in 1995. Rubio, the oldest, is 26. They're only going to get better -- which would be scary enough on its own. But on May 17, the Wolves could take the next step in achieving their final form as a championship contender. "Too soon!" you might say. And we hear you. Our response, though, is simple: You know that young man. If for whatever reason you don't, his name is Brandon Ingram. He played basketball this past year for Duke University. And he's going to be an excellent NBA player. So excellent, in fact, that he very well could be the No. 1 overall pick in June's draft. On that front, the Wolves will need a little bit of luck. They're all but locked in to the league's fifth-worst record, giving them an 8.8 percent chance at the first pick. They might not need to leap all the way to one; LSU's Ben Simmons could very well still be the first pick, and foreign prospect Dragan Bender could still charge up teams' draft boards. In that case, the Wolves have an additional 9.7 percent chance of landing the second pick, and a 10.7 percent chance of picking third. Conditionally, then, we're willing to give Minnesota about a 20 percent chance of ending up with Ingram in the 2016 draft. Cross your fingers, Wolves fans, because there isn't a better outcome. In a different era, Ingram might have slipped through the cracks as a "tweener" without a true position. In today's game, he's a versatile whirlwind of offensive range, limbs that reach forever, and positional flexibility. He'd be a perfect fit as the Wolves nominal power forward, stretching the floor with his already solid 3-point shooting and plugging into a defensive system centered on Towns patrolling the paint (and all adjacent territory) while his teammates snuff out everything on the perimeter. Oh, about that defense -- there's a certain free agent coach we foresee the Wolves hiring in this scenario, too. And he probably laughed all the way to the bank as he watched Towns & Co. show their potential on Tuesday: Former Chicago Bulls coach Tom Thibodeau is another perfect fit for Minnesota, and he's smart enough to know it. At this point, Thibs shouldn't be seriously listening to a coaching offer from anyone but the Wolves -- unless, for some reason, the Pelicans decide to part ways with Alvin Gentry. Thibodeau is a master of NBA defense. True, the league has adapted somewhat to his strongside-pressure system; the Warriors in particular have demonstrated how the 3-pointer and a playmaking forward can stretch Thibodeau-style defenses to their limit. But Thibodeau isn't one to rest on his laurels. This is a man who lives, breathes, eats, sleeps and dreams about the NBA. He's perfectly aware of the current limitations of his system, and the guess here is that he spends his days in an underground laboratory drawing up the perfect schemes to stop the likes of LeBron James and Stephen Curry. Implementing an entirely new defensive scheme isn't easy, of course. Fortunately for Thibs, he has a relationship with current Wolves big man Kevin Garnett going back to their time in Boston together, where Thibodeau was an assistant under Doc Rivers. If KG's willing to come back for one more year under a coach he greatly respects, the talkative veteran could serve as a pseudo-assistant coach in practice and on the court. Furthermore, Thibs has never had a player like Towns, who's on the same level as a rookie as Shaquille O'Neal and Tim Duncan. The Wolves rookie has the IQ and ability to be the best defender in the league within the next two years; meanwhile, he's also one of the best offensive big men we've seen in years. Forget O'Neal or Duncan -- Towns' skill with the ball in his hands is Hakeem Olajuwon-esque. You know, if "The Dream" had been able to shoot 3s. Worried about Thibs running the young Wolves into the ground, as many believe he did to the young Bulls during his previous time? We're not. Minnesota has partnered with the Mayo Clinic to revolutionize the team's approach to player health and fatigue. Put a strong training staff in place to balance Thibodeau's less player-friendly instincts, and you have another perfect marriage. The Wolves might not have the opportunity to add Thibodeau this offseason, of course, depending on whether they decide to bring back interim coach Sam Mitchell for another season. That would be an unfortunate decision, but as long as it's just one more year, it doesn't derail the dream scenario laid out here. After all, it starts with being able to snag Ingram. It's not likely, and Minnesota will need to plan for contingencies with less upside. Thirty-six percent of the time, they'll end up drafting sixth in June. That's kind of a cursed spot for the Wolves, who famously selected Jonny Flynn one spot ahead of Stephen Curry with the sixth pick in the 2009 draft. That's the past, though. We're here for the future, and we're here to be optimistic. Hope is a good thing, and worth rooting for. So let us dream of Ingram in a frontcourt with Wiggins and Towns. Let us dream of Rubio finding Ingram on the wing for an open 3 or a drive to the rim. Let us dream of LaVine and Ingram running pick-and-rolls that leave defenses clutching at straws. Adding the Blue Devils forward gives the Wolves an entire starting lineup of young players for whom the sky is the absolute limit. Let them grow together, toss in one of the best modern NBA coaches, and watch what happens. The Warriors already know how scary this team can be -- and the Wolves are just getting started. -- 「在你退役之後,誰將接過NBA的火炬呢?」 「呃,你有很多人可以選擇。Michael,David Robinson,Patrick Ewing,Dominique ,Isiah。但是我不會選擇任何人。J博士沒有選擇我,也沒有人選擇J博士。」 「但最終會有一個人自己跳出來說:『嘿,現在輪到我了。』」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Timberwolves/M.1460129156.A.3D5.html
ken3204k: 未看先猜換教練 灰狼總冠軍 04/08 23:38
dixongossip: Towns有超越TD的潛力,但是灰狼還沒找到POPO 04/08 23:41
newest: Towns繼續成長下去就是聯盟第一中鋒了 需要一個好教練帶 04/08 23:47
balabalaba: 要凹到Ingram也太拼了XD 砸錢買Batum比較接近現實一點 04/08 23:55
HCLG: 錫箔度不錯 能帶起防守體系 進攻就靠Rubio帶了XD 04/09 00:04
我最後 還是翻了XDDDDDDD 大致上就是兩個動作可能讓灰狼回到正軌回到爭奪冠軍的行列。 贏過勇士的比賽讓人看見Towns的靈活性以及統治能力, 而這群年輕有天賦的球員也讓NBA其他人覺得好戲會在後頭。 Towns剛出道就是聯盟前15-20等級的球員,Wiggins的防守跟投射能力 都進步了,Lavine的判斷能力明顯的在成長也間接的讓他超人的運動 能力在攻防兩端得以發揮。 Rubio雖然得分不好,但是他是聯盟最好的防守PG之一, 而且他可以把球傳到任何他隊友所想要的地方,"當他們需要時"。 重要的是,這四隻基石有三隻全都是1995年出生的,最老的Rubio頂多 也才26歲,而且他也剛續約沒多久。 接下來的兩個步驟可能會成為再次 開啟灰狼爭冠之路的敲門磚。 1.選到杜克大學的因格拉母(Ingram) 他也許會是第一順位,但也有很高的可能性被擠到後面的順位, 即使如此,灰狼還是需要一點好運才能選到他。 在其他時候他可能會是一個多用途的搖擺人,但是在灰狼他會是 一個可以完美契合球隊的大前鋒,進攻範圍大,柔軟性高, 擁有三分能力,而且可以完美的加入Twons為中心的防禦系統。 說到教練,就是第二點了。 2.杜錫伯 灰狼的陣容應該能與前公牛主帥杜席伯有良好的搭配, 而相信 他也應該清楚者點,除非鵜鶘決定與Alvin Gentry, 不然他他不該 聽取灰狼以外球隊的報價。 杜錫伯是個防守高手,但聯盟已經開始習慣並且使用他的強邊壓力 防守,但勇士也用三分球跟前鋒當做發動箭頭將這套防守系統給逼到了極限。 但是杜錫伯才不會這樣認輸,我相信他不管吃飯睡覺呼吸做夢還是幹嘛, 應該都夢見現在的NBA,他會在他的秘密實驗室之中完善新的計畫, 來阻止JAME斯跟Curry,以過去在賽爾提克的時間,KG也可以協助他以老將 的身份做一名在場上的準助理教練。 除此之外,杜錫伯也從來沒有擁有像是Towns這樣在新秀賽季就跟Oneal 還有Duncan一樣的球員。 他有良好的籃球智商、優秀的防守能力,甚至是近年來看過進攻最棒的 大個子之一,不同於那兩位,Towns的球風是Olajuwon風格的。 當然,如果"大夢"能投三分球的話。 如果你再擔心杜席伯喜歡操球員跟不練年輕人的問題,不用擔心。 灰狼已經跟知名的Mayo診所合作,從根本上去改變球員的健康與疲勞杜, 而這些強大的訓練與醫療團隊將會讓杜錫伯做出平衡。 這個球季灰狼並沒有讓杜錫箔加入,而他們做了一個不幸的決定, 那就是讓代理教練山姆留下來,但如果只有這個球的話,也許選擇 讓山姆留下來是得到因格拉母的最好方式。 依照現在的時間點,灰狼有36%在選秀得到第六順位,就像是2009 選擇了Flynn而跳過Curry那時一樣。 這都過去了,我們對未來保持樂觀,因為希望是美好的。 讓我們希望Wiggins、Twons、因格拉母一同在前場, 讓我麼夢想Rubio在側邊找到因格拉母讓他投出空檔三分或者是切進來。 讓我們期待對手在擋拆之後不知道要選擇Lavine或者因格拉母。 當加入藍魔鬼這位前鋒之後,天空才是這隊先發陣容的極限, 他們會一起成長,跟著最現代的NBA教練,我們希望這一切發生。 -----灰狼隊現在才剛開始。 心得: 雖然是選秀幻想文,不過寫的蠻真切的,該考慮的都有考慮, 但是我覺得不用想這麼多,灰狼的阿簡Dieng本身就很強了, 有一定投射能力,能切能傳能搶,快把杜錫泊找來才是真的...... ※ 編輯: carotyao (, 04/09/2016 00:20:29 ※ 編輯: carotyao (, 04/09/2016 00:22:50
illidan23: 推 04/09 00:24
ilovemakoto: 教練啊...快來啊 04/09 00:42
gap6060: 推期待冠軍 04/09 00:45
timjames: 我覺得Bjelica好好練應該不用選那隻吧 04/09 01:31
timjames: 要三分要版子感覺他都有只差防手可能要在加強 04/09 01:32
newest: 灰狼缺禁區替補跟射手 北極熊到底能不能復出啊?? 04/09 03:18
wombat121: 要選到Ingram需要像公牛當年那樣神抽 機率太低了啦 04/09 08:59
dennyrubio: 湖人去年也是倒數第六抽到榜眼 可以幻想一下哈哈 04/09 09:53
Honeycutt: 教練換Thib 拜託他把AW練到子龍的八成就飛高高了 04/09 10:32
wombat121: 湖人是倒數第四吧? 04/09 11:20
shangyen: 教練也有選秀嗎? 04/09 12:26
caten: 推 04/09 12:37
sato111: 幸好前段順位球隊都差得無以復加所以灰狼贏球對順位不會 04/09 17:49
sato111: 有什麼變化,再來第一步就是要能抽到前幾順位才有把握 04/09 17:50
sato111: 今年就是不考慮位置選最有潛力得就是了,教練就交給 04/09 18:00
sato111: 制服組去打算吧,據傳聞今年可能是Sam的唯一一季 04/09 18:01
jellyfishtea: 其實Ingram有點卡位置,除非推上去打四號... 04/09 18:28
jellyfishtea: 可是對上其他隊伍比較強壯的四號,對抗上會很吃力 04/09 18:29
jellyfishtea: Ingram擺在3號還是比較適合,不過也就跟Wiggins衝突 04/09 18:29
jellyfishtea: 換教練>>>抽樂透,好的是現在市場上不少好教練 04/09 18:31
jellyfishtea: 壞的是灰狼老闆是Glen Taylor 04/09 18:31
jellyfishtea: 明明也同時是Minnesota Lynx(WNBA)的老闆阿 04/09 18:32
jellyfishtea: 一邊是(2011,2013,2015)三年總冠軍,一邊是12年沒進 04/09 18:33
jellyfishtea: 季後賽 04/09 18:33
newest: Lynx超強的 04/09 19:42
okiknow: 換教練 補一個替補SG 04/09 21:04
dixongossip: 補個PG也不錯,可以替補控場,Kris Dunn好嗎? 04/09 23:16
sato111: 補內外線都Ok,現在的球隊陣容需要 04/10 22:10
bycarbird: 我覺得Bjelica 跟 阿簡其實就滿夠用的了 04/14 10:30