看板 Timberwolves 關於我們 聯絡資訊
消息來源:Twitter Shams Charania@ Owner Glen Taylor told @JonKrawczynski today that several potential ownership groups have expressed interest in purchasing the Timberwolves and that he is seriously considering all options. 有數組人馬有意競標你狼,Glen Taylor也會認真考慮。 NBA/Timberwolves legend Kevin Garnett and a group of investors are seriously interested in and exploring bid for Minnesota T’Wolves from Glen Taylor, sources tell @TheAthleticNBA @Stadium KG也有意與人合資競標。 Kevin Garnett and his group are preparing a bid to submit to Glen Taylor to purchase the Timberwolves, sources tell @TheAthleticNBA @Stadium KG和他的合夥人已經準備好報價。 For Garnett, this bid is personal because of his stature within the franchise. Garnett wants to purchase the team and keep it in Minnesota, sources said. Glen Taylor told @JonKrawczynski that keeping the franchise in Minny is a requirement. KG確定有意將灰狼留在明尼蘇達。 Jon Krawczynski@ Glen Taylor to @TheAthleticMIN : "Everybody’s been told it has to stay in Minnesota." Taylor也明確表達接手灰狼的條件是必須留在明尼蘇達。 消息來源:https://reurl.cc/qd7l0D There are several parties who have bid on the team, two of the people said. A deal could be completed within a month, one of the people said. 數組人馬參與競標,甚至有可能這兩個月內就成交。 The sale isn’t related to financial hardship created by the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the people said. 這個決定與武漢肺炎沒關係。 Jon Krawczynski@ Glen Taylor to @TheAthleticMIN : "Everybody’s been told it has to stay in Minnesota." 灰狼老闆Glen Taylor明確要求灰狼必須留在明尼蘇達。 Glen Taylor says he thinks the Timberwolves and Lynx will remain under one house should a sale happen. "The way I run it, it's all one thing. I would assume we would want to keep it that way and make it more efficient." 灰狼和山貓(WNBA隊伍)一起賣。 消息來源:https://reurl.cc/exRrpm https://reurl.cc/exRrQM Chris Hine@ Just got off the phone with Glen Taylor. Taylor mentioned one interested family from out of state is further along in the process of buying the team than others. Said he wasn't sure which group Kevin Garnett was attached to. Glen Taylor表示目前有一個其他州的財團在競價過程中領先,然後目前他也不清楚KG代表哪些投資人。 消息來源:https://reurl.cc/0oA3Wk Darren Wolfson@ Here is some of my chat with #Timberwolves/#LosLynx owner Glen Taylor. We'll have more on @KSTP at 10p. (這是一段兩分鐘的電話訪問) 重點: Glen Taylor表示大概有四至七組人馬有意競價並將球隊留在明尼蘇達、其他想搬走的即便出更高價也不在考慮範圍,對於KG的部分他還不清楚。 消息來源:https://reurl.cc/mn8g21 最新更新 : 消息來源:https://reurl.cc/yZddyl 、Twiiter (ESPN的source) Adam Schefter@ More on the Wilf family that owns the Minnesota Vikings emerging as a serious candidate to buy the Minnesota Timberwolves: Minnesota Vikings(NFL球隊)的擁有者Wilf family認真報價灰狼。 -------------- 很簡要的貼了幾個Twiiter和文章節錄,沒想到這天這麼快就來了。 不過賣球隊的條件很簡單,就是留在明尼蘇達,起碼暫時不會看到西雅圖超音速借屍還魂就是了(笑)。 更新: 如果是The Wilf family買下的話就不用擔心離開明州了!而且也是個靠得住的買主,而不是沒有經營球隊經驗的商人。 -------- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Timberwolves/M.1595368235.A.100.html ※ 編輯: Leaflock ( 臺灣), 07/22/2020 05:51:16 ※ 編輯: Leaflock ( 臺灣), 07/22/2020 05:55:58
timjames: 推~~在哪不在意但不要變別隊就好 07/22 05:59
Leaflock: 就怕西雅圖的財團買去穢土轉生成超音速XD 07/22 06:01
※ 編輯: Leaflock ( 臺灣), 07/22/2020 06:32:20
twjeremy: 這天終於還是來啦! 07/22 06:49
pttshian: https://i.imgur.com/AVPXlc6.jpg 07/22 07:07
pttshian: 推KG,我狼需要你~~ 07/22 07:09
Ayowaya: KG!!!! 07/22 07:15
yzuboy: https://i.imgur.com/hHjCqwr.jpg 07/22 07:25
CmDawn: 回來吧KG 07/22 07:26
Leaflock: 如果他和他的合資者成功競標下來的話 下賽季殼以趕快把 07/22 07:28
Leaflock: 球衣退一退了吧XD 07/22 07:28
Ayowaya: 又浮現他標蛋白石的畫面XD 07/22 07:51
a62312000: 錢一定要準備夠啊,不要到時買下後各種節流 07/22 08:24
vince4687: 剛剛才想說看到灰狼ig 那篇文是怎樣XDD 07/22 08:58
xo45527788: 疫情影響+長期虧損 泰勒撐不住了 07/22 10:09
xo45527788: 希望盡快完成 也希望找到別干涉球隊操作的老闆 07/22 10:11
※ 編輯: Leaflock ( 臺灣), 07/22/2020 10:25:33
gary84097: 其實泰勒老早就計畫出售了,現在爆出來應該只是終於有 07/22 10:26
gary84097: 進展而已 07/22 10:26
※ 編輯: Leaflock ( 臺灣), 07/22/2020 10:28:00
xo45527788: 前幾年都有消息 可是泰勒都否認 07/22 10:31
※ 編輯: Leaflock ( 臺灣), 07/22/2020 10:35:03
Leaflock: 這兩年有比較明確要賣 這次競價有進展才放消息吧 07/22 10:35
a62312000: 前幾年好像有說是泰勒的年紀有點高,才想要賣 07/22 11:49
cobras638: 標蛋白石的畫面? 07/22 17:41
chikasa: 拜託KG得標 07/22 21:48
Leaflock: 我自己是希望Wilf family買下 然後賣一點點股份給KG當小 07/22 23:08
Leaflock: 股東 這是最好的結局 07/22 23:08
asd2: 泰勒跟KG和好了? 07/23 20:38
Leaflock: 要買球隊時就和好了 如果沒買到又會不好了XD 07/23 20:52
wakayama: 泰勒不會跟錢過不去啦 07/24 07:46
a62312000: http://i.imgur.com/vkG5oi3.jpg 07/25 10:38
a62312000: 這反差有點驚訝 07/25 10:39
yzuboy: 彪哥這肌肉當湯斯的內線夥伴看起來很棒啊 07/25 12:25
jinshenn: Taylor在數年前就想要賣 但買家最後一刻收手 07/26 00:38
jinshenn: 後來找回老桑 打消找買家念頭 有計畫讓老桑等一群人接 07/26 00:41
jinshenn: 裡面應該就有包含KG 因為他們一定會把球隊留在明州 07/26 00:42
jinshenn: 不過老桑過世之後 一切計畫都變了 07/26 00:44
a62312000: 滿佩服老錫的,我們的合約都還沒跑完,又得到五年的就 07/26 05:34
a62312000: 教練約 07/26 05:34
bravo: 習包子帶尼克,臉一定很臭 07/26 07:20
k952gfjk: 尼克已經沒三分沒防守了,不會再慘惹 07/26 14:22
Leaflock: 還好啦 他只是當教練而已 不像之前當總裁權力一把抓 有 07/26 16:16
Leaflock: 戰績壓力直接梭哈一波 07/26 16:16
newest: 灰狼終於要重回正軌了 08/06 20:17
Pixis: 高調 08/21 20:13