看板 Timberwolves 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Raptors interested in Ricky Rubio as potential Kyle Lowry replacement The Raptors are making ground in the Eastern Conference, though Masai Ujiri & Co. continue to evaluate several scenarios ahead of the trade deadline. One of which involves Ricky Rubio, as the team would have interested in adding the point guard, sources tell FortyEightMinutes.com. The franchise’s interest in Rubio, who will make just $17.8 million next season in the final year of his contract, is dependent on Kyle Lowry‘s situation. There are mixed reports on whether the Raptors intend to move on from Lowry and/or “make right” by him in sending the point guard to a preferred destination. The question of whether the Raptors will be buyers or sellers at the deadline is one that they are keeping tight-chested. Though, as a rival executive explained, that’s partially because they don’t necessarily need to dive headfirst into either direction. “Do they have to pick a lane? No,” a rival executive tells FortyEightMinutes.com. “Why would they give up leverage at this point?” Front offices constantly evaluate a bevy of scenarios with ever-changing variables; to fully commit to a path (or let the word out once they do) before they need to isn’t wise. In Toronto’s case, the notion of buyer vs. seller may even be a silly way of looking at it. The organization could look to get slightly younger and add some additional picks while keeping a competitive team around Pascal Siakam, Fred VanVleet, and OG Anunoby (the trio is considered Toronto’s “core” moving forward). Trading for Rubio, who turned 30 before the 2020-21 season, fits that mold. The former No. 5 overall pick was brought back to Minnesota via trade this offseason, however, through nearly half of the season, the reunion hasn’t paid dividends. “I can be here and be positive like we’re trying to be and it’s OK. But we have the worst record in the league. We lost way too many games by 20-plus, and I don’t feel like this is building something,” Rubio said recently. Rubio isn’t determined to leave Minnesota, another source tells FortyEightMinutes.com. The veteran remains committed to the Timberwolves and hopes that he can assist in turning things around for the franchise. https://fortyeightminutes.com/rumors-raptors-interested-in-ricky-rubio/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Timberwolves/M.1614842658.A.CDE.html
Ivan1807: 賣,都賣 ,喜歡什麼挑什麼 03/04 15:27
vince4687: 有點看不懂 蘿莉到期約 換盧比歐過去多被綁一年要幹嘛 03/04 15:33
ZhChiEn: 反正灰狼還有什麼不能賣的 03/04 20:20
aogogo: 球衣跳樓拍賣跟我說就好 03/04 21:53
sato111: 該賣就要賣 03/04 22:13
cidcheng: 據說灰狼想找大前鋒,現在才發現嗎…… 03/04 22:42
Leaflock: 要找大前鋒從停賽後就在講了 結果什麼都沒找 倒是裁掉一 03/04 23:19
Leaflock: 個掩護不錯的無保障底薪 03/04 23:19
Leaflock: 而且現在手上的資產基本上都貶值了 真要交易只能拿頭換 03/04 23:21
balabalaba: 真的想不出拿什麼東西跟人家換 03/04 23:28
balabalaba: 誰會要一堆壞掉的玩具 03/04 23:28
Leaflock: 大概就是意思一下有要補強 做不做得成另說 03/04 23:30
ZhChiEn: 現在真的想不到灰狼能拿出什麼正資產 03/04 23:31
ZhChiEn: 糖糖 DLO? 03/04 23:31
vince4687: 最近要注意替補的體力感覺撞牆了 KAT回來後每個替補都 03/04 23:34
vince4687: 打的比之前爛 03/04 23:34
Leaflock: 比較實際一點的情況就是賣Beasley 然後用換來的資產交易 03/04 23:34
Leaflock: 或是魔術想重建(有兩隊有意武切),湊合一下收首輪加Cul 03/04 23:34
Leaflock: ver之類的 當然更可能是什麼都不做這樣 03/04 23:34
Leaflock: 小桑時期還好 Finch上任後明顯還不會用替補 03/04 23:35
Leaflock: 不過今天的輪換時間已經正常了 這點比較欣慰(不過賽後訪 03/04 23:36
Leaflock: 談又說可能會縮短輪換 所以難說) 03/04 23:36
vince4687: 跟教練會不會用我覺得還好 主要是場上的表現 03/04 23:37
ZhChiEn: 灰狼從以前到現在的問題到底出在哪可以問一下嗎? 03/04 23:37
ZhChiEn: 贏球的文化? 03/04 23:37
vince4687: ex:JMAC切入少了 Nowell開始有一些無意義自幹 Reid防 03/04 23:38
vince4687: 守感覺沒必要的犯規也多了點 03/04 23:38
vince4687: 問題太籠統了 以前要多以前 03/04 23:41
zsp9081a: 裁掉rhj那時候就已經感覺不妙了 哈哈 03/04 23:43
Leaflock: JMAC和Towns沒什麼默契 03/04 23:44
yzuboy: 三週後不知道這隊成員還有幾個熟面孔XD 03/04 23:56
vince4687: 重申一下 我現在看起來真的覺得多一個RHJ也不會比較好 03/05 01:47
vince4687: 要是他真的很關鍵 現在應該在籃網打球了XD 03/05 01:47
vince4687: 灰狼的大前鋒崩壞除了球員自身狀況每個都極差之外跟小 03/05 01:48
vince4687: 桑那時候用人比較有關 03/05 01:48
jay228: 趕快補隻大前鋒吧 先不考慮有沒有人要 丟Dlo換4號 選秀補C 03/05 03:41
jay228: ade或Suggs 實在是很誘人 03/05 03:41
chih2loveu: jay大 丟Dlo的話也不用補了 收別人的肥約+籤 正式重建 03/05 05:21
jay228: 會嗎 假設三方交易弄來老鷹JC KAT+JC+AE+MB+Cade or Suggs 03/05 05:53
jay228: 比重建快多了吧 丟Dlo也能解決防守問題 不然上限也就在那 03/05 05:53
jay228: KAT才25歲 重建也不可能丟的 03/05 05:55
jay228: JC也想要大約 不丟DLO也沒空間 只是選秀抽籤要賭一手了 03/05 05:57
jay228: 像76人能打出成績 有個T.Harris能穩定發揮其實很關鍵 03/05 06:02
jay228: 先幫KAT找個4號幫手 真的還是打不出來要重建再重建吧 03/05 06:03
vince4687: 也要先抽到…… 四成機率 03/05 07:29
Leaflock: 如果阿銀佛心讓你狼今年能補一個Suggs回來 那Dlo就會清 03/05 08:29
Leaflock: 掉了(球權衝突+你狼還有個Rubio) Towns目前的技能點留著 03/05 08:29
Leaflock: 給兩個後場當工具人倒是沒問題(他自己願意就行,但我覺 03/05 08:29
Leaflock: 得到時候可能會和球隊表示想走吧) 換大禮包也能累積重建 03/05 08:29
Leaflock: 資產 大前提是阿銀願意給你狼一個當地出身的控衛(不可能 03/05 08:29
Leaflock: 再給Cade了 保籤應該就是選Suggs然後推倒重來 選Green或 03/05 08:29
Leaflock: 是之類的在目前的球隊框架也只能當藍領) 03/05 08:29
Leaflock: 鋒線問題我覺得和小桑沒什麼關係 開季前就知道是個無鋒 03/05 08:42
Leaflock: 陣容了 03/05 08:42
Leaflock: 你狼也是從一個鋒線還行的隊伍一通操作到要得分後衛去頂 03/05 08:45
Leaflock: 前鋒的陣容 在這個時代也是奇葩了 可能Rosas認為打小球s 03/05 08:45
Leaflock: ize就不重要吧(然後組的小個子陣容連兩季投射不怎麼樣) 03/05 08:45