看板 Timberwolves 關於我們 聯絡資訊
POBO(president of basketball operations) Tim Connelly https://imgur.com/Eida8Jw.jpg
Connelly加盟的經緯(The Alethi虎撲網友翻譯,簡中) https://bbs.hupu.com/53986326.html VP(vice president of basketball operations) Sachin Gupta https://imgur.com/YgtaagI.jpg
尚未確定正式留任,2021-22的臨時總裁 VP(senior vice president of basketball operations) Matt Lloyd https://imgur.com/Uw33jDA.jpg
Adrian Wojnarowski@wojespn ESPN story on Tim Connelly making his first significant move for the Minnesota Timberwolves -- hiring Orlando Magic executive Matt Lloyd as Senior VP of Basketball Operations. https://reurl.cc/OAQDAr Connelly想挖角多年的副總裁,在公牛、魔術有十幾年的工作經驗,主要負責球探及球員發展工作。 assistant GM 助理GM Steve Senior Jon Krawczynski@JonKrawczynski The Minnesota Timberwolves are hiring Steve Senior from Memphis to become a new assistant general manager focused on player development, league sources tell @TheAthleticMIN. (Gupta)從灰熊挖角來的Steve Senior也算是火箭幫,主要負責球員發展工作。 Dell Demps 制服組成員 Jon Krawczynski@JonKrawczynski The Timberwolves are finalizing an agreement with Dell Demps to join Tim Connelly's front office staff, sources tell @ShamsCharania and me. Demps will work closely with Connelly, Sachin Gupta, Matt Lloyd, Joe Branch and Manny Rohan as the draft looms. Jon Krawczynski@JonKrawczynski Demps was the GM in New Orleans for 9 years. He hired Connelly there before he left for Denver. Most recently, Demps served as an assistant on Quin Snyder 's staff in Utah. Demps是Connelly以前的上司,在鵜鶘做了九年的GM,後來在Quin Snyder手下工作。 Jon Krawczynski@JonKrawczynski The addition of Matt Lloyd ( @wojespn reporting) is an important one for the Wolves. Lloyd oversaw scouting for the Magic, so will be a big voice in the draft prep that is in full swing. Sachin Gupta, as has been said for a while, remains a big part of the Wolves vision. Lloyd負責球探,Gupta則是重回他擅長的領域。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Timberwolves/M.1654335090.A.05C.html ※ 編輯: Leaflock ( 臺灣), 06/04/2022 17:34:18
vince4687: 感謝整理 06/04 18:14
jay228: 推 06/04 22:57
yzuboy: 頂 06/04 23:23
standanan100: 推整理 06/05 07:46
jinshenn: 康總制服組慢慢成形 開始緊鑼密鼓準備選秀啦 06/06 00:17
k952gfjk: 推 06/06 08:39
chih2loveu: 希望教練組也可以再補一下 06/06 09:25
Leaflock: 希望康總能撈到一個進進攻助教了 06/06 13:08
ricatii: 進攻助教真的要補一個,不然finch的進攻戰術有夠悲劇 06/06 16:42
Leaflock: 需要一個Clutch time畫戰術板的人和提升常規時間的配合 06/06 16:45
vince4687: 進攻助教補強反而今年打完看帳面數據覺得不會了XDDD 06/07 09:40
Leaflock: 看康康要不要安排自己人了 06/07 10:16
※ 編輯: Leaflock ( 臺灣), 06/10/2022 15:34:02
gary84097: 小桑去金塊了!記得之前就傳過Malone力邀小桑的消息。 06/13 09:15
vince4687: 祝福他 加油啊小桑! 06/13 09:23
yzuboy: Dlo感覺會被拿出來賣掉@@ 06/14 05:49
calvinh: 圍巾要拿冠軍戒指啦 06/17 11:27
chunyu0519: 恭喜我狼前救世主拿到戒指嗚嗚嗚 06/17 11:49
smoms: 平平都是18分 22巾跟18巾為什麼差這麼多XD 06/17 11:57
vince4687: 恭喜灰狼三少第一冠 06/17 12:01
tailsean: 圍巾真的有夠扛,他和嘴綠大概並列第二重要 06/17 15:12
yzuboy: 恭喜Nemanja 06/17 15:45
xo45527788: 跟KG LOVE一樣一年後在別隊奪冠 06/17 21:14
xo45527788: ^離隊 06/17 21:15
k952gfjk: 離隊奪冠靈氣QQ 06/18 13:43
tarantula32: 別忘了teague 06/19 02:43
smoms: Jalen Williams感覺不錯 06/23 11:31
yzuboy: 看到馬刺Murray的交易傳言讓人很流口水,姑且不論真假XD 06/23 12:08
k952gfjk: 不知道會選誰,很期待 06/23 20:07