看板 Timberwolves 關於我們 聯絡資訊
目前球員名單Depth Chart https://imgur.com/HahMBhB.jpg
Conly/Milton/McLaughlin/Moore Edwards/NAW/Clark(TW) Jaden/TBJ/Minott/Ryan(TW) KAT/KA/Miller Gobert/Reid/Garza(TW) 14正式合約+3雙向 Exhibit10: Trevor Keels(20) 6-5 Wings Vit Krejci(23) 6-8 Combo Guard Daishen Nix(21) 6-5 Combo Guard Tyrese Martin(24) 6-6 Wings 4訓練營合約 共21人 以下為群組分享媒體日訊息節錄 Luka Garza said he was previously 11 or 12% body fat but that he's down to 6.6% now. Said he was pleased to be able to do that without losing strength Garza今年季後訓練勤奮 除了打國家隊外也到了歐洲跟Gobert訓練 目前體脂肪少了一半 Jon Krawczynski @JonKrawczynski Kyle Anderson says there was some initial worries that the eye injury would threaten his career, but a consultation with doctors in UCLA shortly after allayed those fears. He feels much better now KA一度擔心眼傷會影響職業生涯,不過現在好多了 Dane Moore @DaneMooreNBA Jaden McDaniels: "I'm probably like 6'10.5, close to 6'11" Jaden好像又長高了一點(雖然上面的訓練營前體側資料沒有) Jon Krawczynski @JonKrawczynski Ant: “Jaden is the most important person on the team because he has the most potential.” AE說Jaden是隊上最重要的球員,因為他潛力無限 Dane Moore @DaneMooreNBARudy Gobert said he worked on hook shots, floaters and finishing through contact this offseason.I asked about the 3 ball; he said "that's just icing on the cake" Gobert休賽季進修了勾射、拋投跟籃下對抗後終結,三分只是配菜 Jon Krawczynski @JonKrawczynskiAnt on increased pressure: “Nah I got Big KAT. He’s going to be one of the best players in the league this year.” Said he’s going to have a “monster year” AE說KAT會成為本賽季最好的球員之一 Jon Krawczynski @JonKrawczynskiGobert: “The goal is to be a top defensive team in this league and build from there. Gobert說今年的目標是成為聯盟頂級防守勁旅 Jon Krawczynski @JonKrawczynskiKAT: “Just take my World Cup experience and bring it to this team.” KAT會把世界盃的經驗帶到球隊內 Dane Moore @DaneMooreNBAChris Finch said finding an identity in training camp is paramount. He said that identity should be "defensively-led" and that it should include "pounding the glass, on both ends of the floor". Finch說在訓練營找到球隊特性很重要,本賽季目標成為防守跟籃板強隊 Chris Hine @ChristopherHineConnelly, when asked what young player might be poised to make the biggest leap: Says Ant, but then says Nickeil Alexander-Walker. Said he has all-defensive team potential. 康總被問到哪個年輕球員會進步最多時,稱讚了AE跟NAW且認為NAW有防陣的潛質 Chris Hine @ChristopherHineConnelly, when asked if he's optimistic about inking Jaden McDaniels to an extension: "Yeah, certainly. ... Had some constructive conversations with his agents and fingers crossed we'd like to get something done." Said they'd like to get something done sooner than later 康總樂觀看待Jaden的延長合約,已經跟經紀人有交換意見希望盡快搞定 Jon Krawczynski @JonKrawczynskiTim Connelly: “We’ve got to win a playoff series. It’s been too long. … we have to have success in the playoffs for us to be taken seriously.” 康總表示太久沒在季後賽取得系列賽勝利,需要在季後賽場上贏球才會得到認可 "The role that I had for Team Canada be very similar to what I would be doing here. That allows me to build confidence to feel like I can excel here." - Nickeil Alexander-Walker on his experience playing for the National Team at the World Cup NAW認為他在加拿大跟在灰狼的角色定位沒什麼不同,給了他信心可以包持同樣出色的水 準 Nickeil Alexander-Walker is here after an awesome run with Canada to a bronze medal at the World Cup. He said he had a good rapport with the Wolves last year and that was a big factor in his return NAW在隨著加拿大奪下銅牌後,他認為上季跟灰狼良好合作是續約的關鍵因素 2022 first-round pick Wendell Moore Jr. says he’s been in Minneapolis all summer working, getting quicker, lighter and smarter. Moore整個夏天都在明洲訓練,增加速度、減重跟打得更聰明一點 New guard acquisition Shake Milton said he felt like the opportunity to sign with Minnesota felt right and that he’s excited to be here. He adds that his versatility is going to allow him to contribute in a lot of different ways on both ends of the ball. 新成員Milton他覺得跟灰狼簽約是正確的選擇,他的多功能性可以讓他在場上不論是持球 或是無球端皆能貢獻 Troy Brown Jr. said the Wolves called him on the first day of free agency and were “adamant” about adding him to the team. He added he liked what he saw from Finch’s offense in the games he played against the Timberwolves last season. TBJ表示灰狼在開市第一天就打給他而且堅持要他加入灰狼,他上季面對灰狼就很欣賞 Finch的進攻哲學 Jaylen Clark says it’s been good to get back out on the court and get back to work after tearing his achilles at UCLA. He adds it’s hard to not play and work slowly to get back to 100%, but says he’s being patient and enjoys the family environment the Wolves have 今年的二輪秀Clark復原進度良好,他有耐心也很享受灰狼的球隊氛圍 Jordan McLaughlin noted he wasn’t completely healthy last year off the calf strain. He was just “healthy enough.” Said that was a big hinderance in his quickness/explosion Looked like a player who simply wasn’t capable of doing what he wanted to do on the floor Feels good now 六禿上賽季飽受小腿拉傷困擾所以沒有足夠的速度跟爆發力在場上做到想做的事情 現在他已康復 - AE在休賽季得到KG跟Kerr的讚賞,AE表示有KAT在場上能夠幫他分擔壓力,KAT會有一個頂 級 的賽季表現,在場上五個隊友都會齊心協力去努力贏球 - Connelly is big on communication and said he pulled McDaniels aside recently to make sure the player knew exactly where the Wolves stood. "It should never get weird," Connelly said. "We're the luckiest guys in the world. We're just talking about how many zeros a player is going to get. And he gets it and he's a great guy." 康總有跟Jaden單獨交流,確保雙方清楚彼此的意見 McDaniels said he has spent a lot of time this summer working on his ballhandling and shot creation. Those areas of emphasis speak to a player who has designs on expanding his impact. He has long played a supporting role to players like Towns, Edwards, Gobert and D'Angelo Russell. While he does not expect to ascend to star status immediately, it is clear that McDaniels wants to be great. "I feel like I can be a (No.) 1 or 2 guy on an NBA team," McDaniels said. "Me having that confidence, I feel like I can go out and score 25 points every night if I wanted to." Jaden在暑假花了很多時間訓練持球跟製造投籃機會,這些訓練都在提升場上的影響力, 雖然Jaden長期待在KAT、AE、Gobert、DLO身旁扮演綠葉角色,他不會馬上晉升球星級別 , 但是Jaden有成長為更好的球員的野心。 Jaden認為他可以成為任何球隊中前兩號核心,他有自信只要他想要他可以每晚攻下25分 -- Made By silius ╭╮╭╮ ╭──╮ ╭──╮ ╭──╮ ││││ │╭─╯ │╭╮│ │╭╮│ ┌─┐┐ ╭╮ ╭╮─╮ ╭──╮ ╭──╮ │╰╯│ │╰─╮ │╰╯│ ╰╯││ ││╭╮│╭─╯ │ ╰─╮│╭╮│╭╮│ ││ └││││╰─╮╰─╯ ││╰╯│╰╯│ ││ ──┘╯╰╯──╯──╯ ╰╯──╯──╯ ╰╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Timberwolves/M.1696006805.A.208.html ※ 編輯: vince4687 ( 臺灣), 09/30/2023 01:00:26
sato111: 祝福Nowell在其他隊的發揮09/30 12:18
jay228: 加拿大銅牌吧09/30 13:34
xo45527788: 相信Jaden可以成為攻守一體的球員 拜託續約快搞定 09/30 15:11
※ 編輯: vince4687 ( 臺灣), 09/30/2023 16:24:00
bo497751553: 好像也有跟Conley談續約,希望讓他在我狼退休 09/30 19:22
Leaflock: 推推 09/30 21:36