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已自行試譯,可是 of 超過3個就會頭暈T口T There’s a growing body of evidence over the past decade of the hazards of pro longed immobility during hospitalization. 自己試譯:隨著過去10年大量增加的證據,延長住院治療的危險 單字拆開來可以理解,合在一起他們就變成另一個我不認識的樣子 Q___Q 先謝謝幫忙 m(__)m -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Translation/M.1458135777.A.D96.html
shuen1217: 沒有隨著 幫你斷句There’s a growing body of 03/16 22:13
shuen1217: evidence over the past decade 這邊看成一句 03/16 22:13
shuen1217: the hazards of prolonged immobility during hospital 03/16 22:14
shuen1217: 被吃字懶得修 後面這串在修飾evidence 03/16 22:14
jpjpjp: 先謝謝您,我再試試看。 03/16 22:30
AYtranslator: 在過去的十年間,有愈來愈多證據證明:住院期間,長 03/17 00:16
AYtranslator: 期缺乏走動會造成健康危害。 03/17 00:16
AYtranslator: 嚴格來說,原句的結構第一眼確實可會讓讀者有點費解 03/17 00:17
AYtranslator: 。這即是有太多of相間的關係,其實可以再編修。 03/17 00:20
AYtranslator: 試改成: 03/17 00:20
AYtranslator: Over the past decade, there has been a growing 03/17 00:21
AYtranslator: body of evidence on the hazards of prolonged 03/17 00:22
AYtranslator: immobility during hospitalization. 03/17 00:22
jpjpjp: 樓上大大請收下我的膝蓋!!跪謝! 03/17 01:15