看板 Translation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
首先由於本人是大陸高中生所以翻譯的不好且語言奇怪,這點請包涵。 另外不會排版這點也請海涵。 Inheriting passwords 【?】傳承中的密碼(意思應該對,但翻譯不太合適。請問這個標題如何翻譯較好?) From:drweb.com 來源:Dr.web “The Antivirus Times” --Para.1 Virtually all of us have email and social networking accounts. 事實上我們每個人都有自己的電子郵箱和社交網絡賬戶。 Many people have blogs or even their own websites. 許多人有自己的博客甚至網站(我就有一個:-))。 The growing activity of all sorts of intruders looking for unknown vulnerabilities and attacking websites is forcing users to be constantly concerned about the security of their information. 【?】增長中的各种攻擊者尋找未知漏洞和攻擊網站的行為正在迫使用戶不斷的擔心他們的資訊安全。 (句子的個人理解: "all sorts of intruders looking for unknown vulnerabilities and attacking websites"修飾"The growing activity",由上文產生“force users to be constantly concerned about the security of their information"的結果) If a site is maintained by its owner, they have to solve the problem themselves. 如果一個網站由它的所有人運營,他們應該自己解決這個問題。 If you use a site maintained by a third party, the owner is supposed to keep it secure. 如果一個網站由第三方運營,他們應該保持它可靠。 --Para.2 Let's talk about passwords once again, but this time we'll look at them from a somewhat unexpected angle. 讓我們再來談談密碼,但這次是以在某种層面上預料不到的角度。 As computer hardware becomes more and more powerful and new hacking routines are invented, users have to make their passwords longer and more complex. 隨著電腦硬件變得越來越強大和新的黑客程序被發明,用戶不得不使他們的密碼更長更複雜。 Previously, an eight-character password comprised only of letters was enough, but now passwords of this kind are cracked instantly. 在以前,一個僅由8位字母組成的密碼就已足夠(安全),但現在這种密碼可以在瞬間被破解。 And here arises a problem. 這就產生了一個問題。 --Para.3 None of us is going to live forever. 沒有人可以永世長存。 If, in the past, people left property and real estate to their heirs, nowadays an inheritance more often includes digital assets such as family photographs, videos, diaries, emails, and even money. 如果是在過去,人們把遺產和房產留給他們的子嗣,而最近遺產通常包含數字資產例如家庭照片,視頻,日記,郵件,甚至是錢。 Imagine that you've managed to mine a certain amount in a cryptocurrency and protected your online wallet with a good, strong password. 想象一下你設法【?】__________(應該是指挖礦並存到在線錢包里)並用一個很強的密碼保護你的在線錢包。 If something happens to you, who will get the money? 如果你發生了什麼事情,誰會得到這筆錢呢? It is quite possible that it will end up in hackers' hands. 很有可能它匯落入黑客之手。 Or, perhaps, no one will be able to take advantage of it. 或者,沒人能拿到它。 Remember what happened to Nazi gold held in banks in neutral countries? 還記得在中立國銀行里存著的納粹【?】_____(贓款?) 第四段省略。主要用facebook“紀念賬戶”的引入講在線服務提供商正在尋找解決方案。 --Para.5 We do care what people will think of us when we are gone, right? 【?】當我們離開人世后,我們關心後世會怎麼看待我們,對吧?(請問有什麼更美的翻譯方法嗎?) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Translation/M.1556289069.A.88F.html
wabisabi8023: 非洲大陸嗎?您中文好好 05/01 23:25
mintale4867: 想請問一下你希望我們給你哪些方面的建議 05/07 23:15
brainless: 密碼繼承 05/12 16:01